View Full Version : door_tilt on doors table

04-02-2005, 08:55 PM
I found that incline is used to tilt the door z axis, this is usefull for levers and tilted doors.

04-03-2005, 03:04 PM
I take it door tilt is something from the old text logs...

the problem is that we dont know where it is in the packet. If you can tell me what zone uses this, and give me the door exanple, and preferable get me a collect from live for that zone. I will try to identify the field, then this will get added.

04-03-2005, 07:09 PM
unfortunatelly I dont have an account anymore but nadox, droga, soldunb and shadowhaven come to mind.

an example in nadox would be for TMLEVER500:


the number 64 is the incline value I used to tilt z axis on the lever.

This kind of values for incline are used on levers in droga and soldunb also some doors in shadowhaven.

I also could not make the elevator that correspond to this lever not open when i clicked on it. There is another field which is named triggertype that I am sure is what I am looking for to make it behave like live where this elevator only opens when you use the lever but no amount of data i put there changes the behavior.

Edit: Shadohaven uses this value on 4 doors (HODOOR301, index 209,210,74), this are the huts with haflings near sw zone to echo caverns.

04-04-2005, 03:20 AM
The elevator that corresponds to this lever is the mechanical trap door named NDLIFT400.

I dont know if the data format has changed, I know the encription did, but in any case they usually get all this kind of parameters grouped together and put an index on them, like pok stones where the index corresponds to the zone teleport index number. I could not find any of this parameters(incline, tryggertype) in any of the old log files.

I hope this helps pinpoint this data.