View Full Version : So you wanna run a GuildWars Server?

04-18-2005, 01:15 PM
Title says it all... You want to run a guildwars server but you get errors with images compiles.. Well, I set up a database that works with Images source but doesn't have town take-over and guards setup but pvp points/guilds etc, are working and the cheat detectors work. Well, here is the link.. Also, you will have to put in your IP Address in the BootZones/LoginServer.ini, and you will have to setup your db.ini, and you will have to put in spells_us.txt in the server folder. I just copied and pasted the Database files, so you will have to create a database in mysql called gw, then go into mysql/data/gw and paste the database files. Anyhow, enjoy... -Zip Includes full server files + Binaries (World/Zone/Emushare);

Download Here (Http://darkhorizons.cjb.net/Serv.zip)

Ghost Fire
04-18-2005, 03:07 PM
Very Cool :D Thanks a Ton. I would have never got that source to work ;P Again Thanks

04-19-2005, 01:48 AM
caution, it has a virus! :D

04-19-2005, 04:11 AM
omg... somebody let Virus mess with the code?! :o

04-26-2005, 03:26 PM
That wouldn't be good, considering I can't code, lol. This sounds more like a game show than a code.