View Full Version : Merchant id list - Spaw merchants

04-23-2005, 02:53 AM
For example I want to create the merchant Caden_Zharik in POK(http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=10510 with the correct items for sale.

Inside the game search for all the items the merchant has

#itemsearch ITEMNAMEHERE

or using mysql.exe

select id,name from items where name like 'ItemNamHere' ;

write down all the items ID.

With all the ID you need, type in mysql.exe:

type the items ID separate by coma:

select i.merchantid from merchantlist i INNER JOIN items on i.item=items.id where items.id IN('9729,16592,13037,13106');

pick the merchant ID who has all the items.

Inside the game go to the correspondent area where the npc should be and type:

#spawn Caden_Zharik 11 60 3 100000 0 41 0 0 220

the last number 220 is the merchantID you search before.

Ready, don't forget to save your merchant by typing:

#npcspawn create