View Full Version : Idea for #goto

05-16-2002, 12:47 PM
I'm thinking when the new code is finished I may work on adding this in for an experiment.
I'll add a table to the database called "namedlocations" then store a zone name, a location name, and a x,y,z coord for each record. When the #goto command is invoked I could change the code to check for a location name and do a lookup to get the zone name and coords.
I was also considering adding a command called #setgoto (#setgoto <locationname>), where it would store the locationname given, the current zone and current location of the player that uses the command.

05-16-2002, 01:20 PM
The only problem, of course, is remembering the named locations. It is a problem that I had when I implemented something very similar as a way to do waypoints (stored in db, invoked, etc.). My solution was to put in a command called #querywaypoints (which i've since removed) that would list out the waypoints for a given target.

You might apply the same design pattern to the zone. Something like #GetNamedPlaces, which will invoke a lookup on the zone you are in. Or, for kicks, you might have server wide named locations. E.g., #goto Mooto's camp On this same note, you could do a #worldgetnamedplaces list.

The only downfall would be actually setting up all of these things and making it friendly to use; for if we say there are 20 zones and at least 2 friendly name places per zone, then that will give us 40 named locations to deal with.

If there existed an EQClientEMU, then you could popup a panel to navigate the information. Since we can't do this, then it creates some information display problems that muds have been experimenting with for a few years.

05-16-2002, 01:58 PM
So you don't get all 40 names to deal with, you could do the #getnamedplaces <zone name>, that would narrow it down to where you would want to go. Might take some work, but would be a great system to have.

05-16-2002, 06:24 PM
This is opening up some ideas for many other ways to query the DB and return records. I'm thinking there's pretty much unlimited commands that could be added so a server admin could search and modify data while in the game.

05-18-2002, 02:21 PM
Why not put it into those books that no one reads? :)

05-19-2002, 03:49 AM
Remember /goto works with a username or NPC name so you can place invisible npc's at those spots with names such as Mootoscamp. Which would be alot easier to impliment at the moment but yes that would be nice having a system like that.