View Full Version : Scene output and Textures

06-17-2005, 11:00 AM
WC - in the .scn output the textures have an "+0" after them - what does this mean? I do not remember seeing it before.
palm_l is my tree texture, but there's the "+0" after it?

For example -

TriangleTex 97.9837417602539, 2.46714067459106, 156.127883911133, -81.9622497558594, 15.5342483520508, 151.429000854492, 93.0469818115234, 6.45521402359009, 354.995086669922, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, palm_l+0, false, false, True, 0, false, 0, false, 0, True, True, True, True, -0.0728863403201103, -0.997174382209778, 0.0181877836585045, -0.0728862956166267, -0.997174382209778, 0.0181877426803112, -0.0728862956166267, -0.997174382209778, 0.0181877426803112


06-18-2005, 10:54 AM
The "+0" is new to OpenZone. The plus sign is just a delimiter and is not part of the number -- I chose it specifcally because it's not a valid filename character and won't be found in filenames. The number is a floating-point value: for animated textures, it specifies the time in seconds to execute one animation sequence. If there is only one texture it is ignored, and if the number isn't present then OpenZone puts a zero in for the value (which is still ignored). If there is more than one texture and the number is not present, OpenZone will put in a default of 100ms (0.1 seconds) per animation frame (texture). If the number is present, then OpenZone will enforce a lower bound of 10ms per frame and an upper bound of 100s for the entire sequence. In any case, you can safely not include the "+" delimiter and number unless you want to have animated textures and want to specify the animation time.

I did it this way so that everything relating to animated textures--the textures themselves, their opacity maps, and the animation time all go together internally in one string, as a self-contained unit. It makes the internal management a lot easier and more reliable, as long as the string is always run through a single routine for breaking it up into its component parts.