View Full Version : Problems compiling world

06-19-2005, 02:23 AM
It's been a while since I've posted here (or played for that matter), but I finally have time and energy to work on things again. I am attempting to get the server to compile on Fedora Core 4 (new, yes, but seems 100x better than FC3 was). I installed mySQL, perl, etc on installation, everything is default. I just downloaded the source from CVS yesterday (which may be the problem, as CVS is generally work in progress). World will not compile for me. I had problems getting EMuShareMem to compile, but worked out the kinks in that. Following is ./source/world/makefile:

SF=../common/EQNetwork.o \
../common/timer.o ../common/packet_dump.o ../common/races.o ../common/unix.o \
../common/Mutex.o ../common/MiscFunctions.o ../common/serverinfo.o ../common/packet_functions.o \
../common/classes.o ../common/TCPConnection.o ../common/eqtime.o ../common/crc32.o \
client.o net.o console.o zoneserver.o LoginServer.o ../common/md5.o ../common/dbcore.o \
../common/dbasync.o ../common/EMuShareMem.o ../common/EQEMuError.o ../common/misc.o \
.obj/debug.o .obj/database.o .obj/Item.o

WFLAGS=-Wall -Wuninitialized -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wcomment -Wcast-align -Winline -Wno-deprecated
COPTS=$(WFLAGS) -g -march=i686 -O -pthread -pipe -DFX -D_GNU_SOURCE -DINVERSEXY -DWORLD $(DFLAGS) -I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/mysql/include
LINKOPTS=-rdynamic -L. -lstdc++ -lm -lz -L/usr/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/lib/mysql -ldl
all: $(APP)

$(APP): $(SF)
$(LINKER) $(COPTS) $(OBJS) $^ $(LINKOPTS) -o $@

rm -f $(SF) $(APP)

%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) -c $(COPTS) $< -o $@

.obj/debug.o: ../common/debug.cpp ../common/debug.h
mkdir -p .obj
$(CC) $(COPTS) -c ../common/debug.cpp -o .obj/debug.o

.obj/database.o: ../common/database.cpp ../common/database.h
mkdir -p .obj
$(CC) $(COPTS) -c ../common/database.cpp -o .obj/database.o

.obj/Item.o: ../common/Item.cpp ../common/Item.h
mkdir -p .obj
$(CC) $(COPTS) -c ../common/Item.cpp -o .obj/Item.o

(It has been changed slightly from the one downloaded in order to work with mysql install)

And the error spew on make:

world]$ make
gcc -c -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wstrict-prototypes -Wcomment -Wcast-align -Winline -Wno-deprecated -g -march=i686 -O -pthread -pipe -DFX -D_GNU_SOURCE -DINVERSEXY -DWORLD -DDEBUG=5 -DSHAREMEM -DCATCH_CRASH -DNO_PIDLOG -DFIELD_ITEMS -I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/mysql/include ../common/EQNetwork.cpp -o ../common/EQNetwork.o
cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++
../common/EQNetwork.h:267: warning: