View Full Version : Navicat question?

09-16-2005, 11:15 AM
Hello, I been using navicat for about 2 weeks now, its a fast and good database editor. But I have one problem, when I edit items in my database, the changes don't take, when I summon the item in-game they are still the same, example I edit cloth cap item 1001 to have 20ac, then I run world.exe, boot5zone.bat and log in world, summon item 1001 and it still has the 2ac it had before I made it 20ac, I log out look in my database and it shows that the cloth cap still has the 20ac in my database.. But if I edit other stuff like pets the changes take so it boggles me atm. Any insight or help would be great, thanks in advace for your time.

09-16-2005, 05:47 PM
I'm a noob at this, big time, but don't you have to stop the service and then restart the service in MySQL for changes to take? It does seem strange that some things would show your changes while others would not...

09-17-2005, 12:57 AM
If you're using 0.6.1 or higher I am pretty certain that you need to re-serialize any item you change (don't quote me on that because honestly I haven't edited an item in some time)

If you're on 0.6.0 or below then you got me ;)

09-17-2005, 02:14 AM
I'm using 0.6.2 I tried re-serializing it but had no luck.

UPDATE items SET serialization = CONCAT_WS('|',itemclass,name,lore,idfile,id,weight ,norent,nodrop,size,slots,price,icon,UNK012,UNK013 ,benefitflag,tradeskills,cr,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta, aagi,adex,acha,aint,awis,hp,mana,ac,deity,UNK033,s killmodvalue,skillmodtype,banedmgrace,banedmgamt,b anedmgbody,magic,casttime_,reqlevel,bardtype,bardv alue,light,delay,reclevel,recskill,elemdmgtype,ele mdmgamt,range,damage,color,classes,races,UNK054,ma xcharges,itemtype,material,sellrate,UNK059,casttim e,UNK061,procrate,combateffects,shielding,stunresi st,strikethrough,extradmgskill,extradmgamt,spellsh ield,avoidance,accuracy,charmfileid,factionmod1,fa ctionmod2,factionmod3,factionmod4,factionamt1,fact ionamt2,factionamt3,factionamt4,charmfile,augtype, augslot1type,augslot2type,augslot3type,augslot4typ e,augslot5type,ldontheme,ldonprice,ldonsold,bagtyp e,bagslots,bagsize,bagwr,book,booktype,filename,ba nedmgraceamt,augrestrict,loreflag,pendingloreflag, artifactflag,summonedflag,favor,fvnodrop,endur,dot shielding,attack,regen,manaregen,haste,damageshiel d,recastdelay,recasttype,guildfavor,augdistiller,U NK117,UNK118,attuneable,nopet,UNK121,pointtype,pot ionbelt,UNK124,stacksize,clickeffect,clicktype,cli cklevel,UNK129,proceffect,proctype,proclevel,UNK13 3,worneffect,worntype,wornlevel,UNK137,focuseffect ,focustype,focuslevel,UNK141,scrolleffect,scrollty pe,scrolllevel,UNK145,verified);
I seem to get this error

mysql> source test1.sql;
ERROR 2005: Unknown MySQL Server Host '
Unknown command '\*'.
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
ERROR 2005: Unknown MySQL Server Host '
Can't connect to the server

No connection. Trying to reconnect...
ERROR 2005: Unknown MySQL Server Host '
Can't connect to the server

No connection. Trying to reconnect...
ERROR 2005: Unknown MySQL Server Host '
Can't connect to the server

any help would be great, I'm a newbie atm mysql..

09-20-2005, 07:29 AM
Unknown MySQL Server Host means your server isnt running...
properly or it's not loaded.
it's telling you that it can;t find the server on localhost.