View Full Version : I want quest in english but other languages also

09-29-2005, 09:22 AM
Just a simple question about quests.
All quest are in the Quests directory, but i search how i can localise the quest. After you can choose your language and the quest answer with this language.
Anyone have a perl idea for make that plz ?

09-29-2005, 10:57 AM
Just a simple question about quests.
All quest are in the Quests directory, but i search how i can localise the quest. After you can choose your language and the quest answer with this language.
Anyone have a perl idea for make that plz ?

dunno maybe babblefish.com can help you.

09-29-2005, 11:03 AM
My english is very poor (sorry snif)
I don't search translate web site but one idea for my player
A perl code for choose if the player have quest in english or other language :)
I search how localised the quest :)

09-29-2005, 07:21 PM
That is a cool idea. Perhaps a new function to check a language field in your database and return the result to perl. And a command in commands.cpp/.h to set that field in the database.

Good luck

09-30-2005, 07:30 AM
Well, you could just add a player command ( a # comamand, like #locale [fr/en/es/etc]) that allows you to change your locale by manually adding a quest global, and then in your quests just have like..

if ($locale eq 'fr')
elsif ($locale eq 'en')

10-09-2005, 08:26 AM
Hey Belfedia, if you tell me what version of EQEmu you're using I'd be happy to write it up really quick. Send me an email: admin@awhiteflame.net.

10-09-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey Belfedia, if you tell me what version of EQEmu you're using I'd be happy to write it up really quick. Send me an email: admin@awhiteflame.net.

I use Eqemu 0.6.2 DR1 last version from CVS on a linux box now
Any help is welcome for write this locale stuff :)

10-10-2005, 02:46 AM
I understand how that work :)
I need to find a C++ coder for the command #locale now :)
thks all for help.

10-10-2005, 02:28 PM
you should be able to do this entirely in perl...
the best way I can say to do it is this..
make a directory on your server named 'locales' somewhere, let the path be /home/eqemu/locales. Make it writeable by the user running eqemu.

use a perl command like (check this syntax, im winging it):

sub commands_init() {
command_add("locale", "Set your locale", 0);

sub locale {
my $loc = shift;
if($loc eq "") {
$client->Message(13, "You must specify a locale: en or fr");
my $name = $client->GetName();
open(F, ">/home/eqemu/locales/$name");
print F "$loc";

then make a plugin:

sub get_locale {
my $name = shift;
open(F, "</home/eqemu/locales/$name");
my $loc = <F>;

then you can write a quest like:

my $locale = plugin::get_locale($name);
if($locale eq 'en') {
} else {#.....


10-10-2005, 09:00 PM
Thanks i try it :)

command_add("locale", "Set your locale");

need more : command_add (name , desc, access)
what is acces ?

10-11-2005, 01:40 AM
status required to use it, pass 0

10-11-2005, 06:25 AM
Nice, but say i'm use a unitialized value in concatenation (.) or string in commands.pl

open(F, ">/home/eqemu/locales/$name");

Program don't know $name i think ?
i try to add a print "$name";
and i have same error on it.

10-11-2005, 11:33 AM


my $name = $client->GetName();

10-12-2005, 03:19 AM
Thats work very fine !!!

MANY thanks (one more !!!)
Now i try to find a (book/tradeskills) solution :)