View Full Version : Is it possible that this system could ever be used for Star wars Galaxies?

11-12-2005, 02:16 PM
I played a little EQ when the whole MMORPG thing started. I mostly played Star Wars Galaxies. SOE has completely ruined this game. Some freinds of mine were wondering if we could ever run our own Star Wars Galxies servers and use what patches we wanted so we wouldnt have to use the horrible system they have forced us to play with.

11-12-2005, 05:12 PM
Try in Off Topic your answer is there.

11-13-2005, 10:28 AM
No, this the eqemu server code is not and never will be usable for SWG. To emulate SWG will require a design from the ground up much like how this emulator started.

And I understand the NGE is going live in about a week. If your intention is to host a pre-NGE server, you have about a week to gather, decode, reverse engineer, and understand the data flow between your client and server, as you initiate various actions and the server informs your client of various events. After that, NGE goes live and the client is gonna talk a whole new language. Best of luck :D

11-18-2005, 01:11 AM
They got smart... and put in clauses in there EULA's

You may not modify any part of the Star Wars Galaxies client, servers, ... provide any server emulator or other site where Star Wars Galaxies may be played, ...
starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/ content.jsp?page=Policies%20Community%