View Full Version : Current Monk Issues on PEQ (0.6.5?)

02-28-2006, 06:06 AM
I'm sure there is an on server bug most tool, but i'm at work. Not sure if there are issues with the UI front end. So here goes:

1. Mend. The reuse (cooldown) timer on Mend seems to be broken. The button will refresh and allow you to attempt the ability, however the ability will not trigger and you will be informed that you can not use that ability again yet. This issue has occured as many as 3 times in a row to me. Zoning between uses seems to fix this issue. I have had the "ability not ready" message as much as 5 minitues after the button refreshed.

2. All "Kick" and "Stike" monk attacks seem to be lumped into only 2 actual trees. I have received skill up messages for one type of kick while using another. Same with Strikes. I'm not sure how the server is calculating the to-hit and damage numbers off these attacks, but it may be adding in all the skills in the individual tree. The kicks and strikes have the same issue as mend with the reuse timer.

3. Important note about reuse timers, feign death does not have this same issue in my experiance.

4. I beleive that repost isn't working as intended. I need to do further testing on this issue, but I'll post what I have seen so far. My test was a green to me group of 8 giants in eastern wastes (around lvl 30 I beleive). I am dual weilding, and have maxed the appropriate skills. I turned off auto attack and checked for damage. I didn't repost on any attacks made for the entire fight. I feigned at about 2% life.

5. Mitigation and Avoidance. This is more of a mechanics question then a bug issue. I was just wondering how a lvl 30 ish mob can hit a lvl 60+ pc with almost every swing. Specifically when that charcter is an avoidence tank. I seem to mitigate damage alot better then I avoid it for some reason.

-Thank for the time,


Sumlek Lvl 60-something monk of PEQ the Grand Creation.
Humlek Lvl 30-something cleric of PEQ the Grand Creation.

02-28-2006, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the post.

Please post these each in seperate threads on the PEQ forum server bugs, and we will take a look at them as we get time.