View Full Version : #modeltest command

06-30-2006, 09:27 AM
My wife likes to do the zone population. I created a #modeltest command so that she could explore models in each zone. It works like this:

#modeltest [Start Race ID] [End Race ID]

When I enter:

#modeltest 1 10

Spawns 3 rows of 10 mobs using my current loc as the base origin. The first row of 10 is races 1 through 10 male gender, the second row of 10 is races 1 through 10 female gender and the third row of 10 is races 1 through 10 unisex gender.

1m 1f 1u
2m 2f 2u
3m 3f 3u
4m 4f 4u
5m 5f 5u
6m 6f 6u
7m 7f 7u
8m 8f 8u
9m 9f 9u
10m 10f 10u

#modeltest 1 40

Spawns 4 groups of the 3x10 rows listed above for models 1 through 40. Basically we are wrapping at 10. Like so:

1m 1f 1u 11m 11f 11u 21m 21f 21u 31m 31f 31u
2m 2f 2u 12m 12f 12u 22m 22f 22u 32m 32f 32u
3m 3f 3u 13m 13f 13u 23m 23f 23u 33m 33f 33u
4m 4f 4u 14m 14f 14u 24m 24f 24u 34m 34f 34u
5m 5f 5u 15m 15f 15u 25m 25f 25u 35m 35f 35u
6m 6f 6u 16m 16f 16u 26m 26f 26u 36m 36f 36u
7m 7f 7u 17m 17f 17u 27m 27f 27u 37m 37f 37u
8m 8f 8u 18m 18f 18u 28m 28f 28u 38m 38f 38u
9m 9f 9u 19m 19f 19u 29m 29f 29u 39m 39f 39u
10m 10f 10u 20m 10f 20u 30m 30f 30u 40m 40f 40u

This is nice when choosing models because you can just spawn a range of races and it's very clearly seen which ones work among all the male humans that don't.

When you see a mob in the grid you like, just target it and #npcstat it to get all the modeling info you need to create your spawns.

I did this once using a range of 1 to 400. LAG! haha but it worked.

If anyone else is interested in this command I'll clean up the code and post it. I'm thinking of adding options to the command to also specify gender and texture/material ranges.

06-30-2006, 10:04 PM
I think this command must be include in official version, it was a powerfull tools for search models available in zone. That wonderful :)

07-01-2006, 06:17 AM
Please do =) that sounds really great as far as a quick way to see visually how the differant mobs would look.

07-02-2006, 10:22 AM
It's still a tad rough but here ya go, I recommend using #repop between uses if you are using large ranges.


#modeltest [Start Race] [End Race] [Start Gender] [End Gender] [Start Texture] [End Texture] [Helm Texture]


#modeltest 1 3

Shows a model for human, barbarian and erudite for each gender with a texture of 0 and helm texture of 0.

#modeltest 1 3 0 0

Shows only male models for human, barbarian and erudite with a texture of 0 and helm texture of 0.

#modeltest 1 3 0 0 0 10

Shows only male models for human, barbarian and erudite with textures 0 through 10 and helm texture of 0.

#modeltest 1 3 0 0 0 10 2

Shows only male models for human, barbarian and erudite with textures 0 through 10 and helm texture of 2.

#modeltest 1 400

Shows a model for races 1 through 400 for each gender with a texture of 0 and helm texture of 0 and causes a ton of lag!

The Code:


void command_mlog(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);


void command_mlog(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
// EverHood 6/14/06
void command_modeltest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);



command_add("npcemote","[message] - Make your NPC target emote a message.",150,command_npcemote)


command_add("npcemote","[message] - Make your NPC target emote a message.",150,command_npcemote) ||
// EverHood 6/14/06
command_add("modeltest","- Spawn an NPC for every race in a grid. *Use in open areas!",250,command_modeltest)

Add this to the end:

// EverHood 6/14/06
// Wifes world buidling request
void command_modeltest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
if(sep->arg[1][0] == '\0') {
c->Message(0, "Syntax: #modeltest [Start Race] [End Race] [Start Gender] [End Gender] [Start Texture] [End Texture] [Helm Texture]");

int x = 1,y = 1,StartGender = 0,EndGender=2,StartTexture=0,EndTexture=0,HelmText ure=0;
int start_race = atoi(sep->arg[1]);
int maxraces = atoi(sep->arg[2]);
if(!sep->arg[3][0] == '\0')
if(!sep->arg[4][0] == '\0')
if(!sep->arg[5][0] == '\0')
if(!sep->arg[6][0] == '\0')
if(!sep->arg[7][0] == '\0')
c->Message(0,"Spawning %i Races %i Genders and %i Textures.",maxraces-start_race,(EndGender-StartGender)+1,(EndTexture-StartTexture)+1);
for(int race = start_race;race<=maxraces; race++){
for(int gender = StartGender;gender<=EndGender; gender++){
for(int texture = StartTexture;texture<=EndTexture; texture++){
//Time to create the NPC!!
NPCType* npc_type = new NPCType;
memset(npc_type, 0, sizeof(NPCType));
npc_type->cur_hp = 100;
npc_type->max_hp = 100;
npc_type->race = race;
npc_type->gender = gender;
npc_type->class_ = 1;
npc_type->deity= 1;
npc_type->level = 1;
npc_type->npc_id = 0;
npc_type->loottable_id = 0;
npc_type->texture = texture;
npc_type->light = 0;
npc_type->walkspeed = 0.67;
npc_type->runspeed = 1.25;
npc_type->merchanttype = 0;
npc_type->bodytype = 0;
npc_type->equipment[7] = 0;
npc_type->equipment[8] = 0;
npc_type->helmtexture = HelmTexture;
npc_type->STR = 150;
npc_type->STA = 150;
npc_type->DEX = 150;
npc_type->AGI = 150;
npc_type->INT = 150;
npc_type->WIS = 150;
npc_type->CHA = 150;

NPC* npc = new NPC(npc_type, 0,c->GetX()+(x*10)-(gender*2), c->GetY()+(y*60)-(gender*9)-(texture*3), c->GetZ(), 180);


Let me know if anyone wants a unified diff of this and I'll work one up.

Enjoy :)

07-04-2006, 04:18 AM
hmm... this is a nice tool, but I would really like to see things like this written in perl. The only problem is that there is no way to make a raw NPC like this, however I think there should be. Would you consider writting up a new quest method: quest::spawnraw() which takes each of the npc_type fields (plus location) as arguments and does what your inner loop does? Such a command would prove quite useful for regular quests, and would allow this to be written as a perl command.