View Full Version : hasten bootstrutter

07-09-2006, 09:10 AM
This quest didnt work out of the box for me when i first used it. I would give em all the items and he would just swallow them and give nothing back. here is what got corrected that made it work for me. (BIG thanks to Cripp for helping me.)

#Hasten Bootstrutter, RatheMTN 50188
#Quest: JBoots


if ($text=~ /Hail/i)
quest::say("Stopped I have done. Greet you I will. What business do we have? Hmm? Speak up!!");

if ($text=~ /Journeyman Boots/i)
quest::say("Journeyman Boots are what you seek? Ha!! I have those upon my feet and disinigrate will they if my life is taken. Extra pair have I and [rare trade] can we make.");

if ($text=~ /Rare Trade/i)
quest::say("I call for three things and Journeyman Boots are yours. I call for a [Shadowed Rapier], call for the [Ring of the Ancients] and call for Gold,.. 3250 Gold Coins!! This the trade that I call.");

if ($text=~ /Shadowed Rapier/i)
quest::say("Shadowed Men, foes to all, have appeared. Many lands do they walk. Invisible are they, but items they wield can be seen. Seek them out and return to me a Shadowed Rapier. Return it with haste before 'poof' goes the rapier!! No time to camp have you.");

if ($text=~ /Ring of the Ancients/i)
quest::say("Ancient cyclopes do march the land. Long have they lived and crafted the rings of the ancients. I must have one and you shall go and fetch one for me. Seek the lands of the oldest cyclops clans. Seek the plains. seek the island in tears and search the dunes for there is one who is last. His clan was blown from the sands.");

if(($itemcount{12268}) && ($itemcount{7100} == 1) && ($gold == 3250))
if($itemcount{12268} == 1 && $itemcount{7100} == 1){
quest::say("Trade we shall not!! When I hold in my hands the ring of the ancients. a shadowed rapier and 3250 gold coin. then you shall wear the journeyman boots.");
quest::say("The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the Journeyman Boots and run like the wind.");

07-09-2006, 11:56 AM
if this is a bug in the PEQ quest pack, it is best reported on the PEQ forums.

07-11-2006, 08:12 PM
havent done anything perl or quest related for a while, but wouldnt it be written like this?

if(($itemcount{12268} == 1) && ($itemcount{7100} == 1) &&amp ($gold == 3250))
quest::say("The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the Journeyman Boots and run like the wind.");
if(($itemcount{12268} != 1) || ($itemcount{7100} != 1) || {$gold != 3250}))
quest::say("Trade we shall not!! When I hold in my hands the ring of the ancients. a shadowed rapier and 3250 gold coin. then you shall wear the journeyman boots.");

theres prolly some errors in this...some of the syntax seems to have changed since i was last here and its been like 3 years since ive done anything with perl heh...
im pretty sure you do need to correct the bottom part of the quest, the "yes trade" and "no trade" need to be in two different statements like ive done above. Error free of course =P

FNW - sorry if this is a PEQ thing, wasnt sure if it was or not so i just decided to reply here where i knew he would prolly check back. and sorry for the rustiness =P

07-12-2006, 05:08 AM
if(($itemcount{12268}) && ($itemcount{7100} == 1) && ($gold == 3250))
quest::say("The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the Journeyman Boots and run like the wind.");
else {
quest::say("Trade we shall not!! When I hold in my hands the ring of the ancients. a shadowed rapier and 3250 gold coin. then you shall wear the journeyman boots."); }

this is probably how i would have done it

07-12-2006, 10:11 AM
ya, thats a lot cleaner and more efficient than mine =P

07-14-2006, 06:09 AM
cool, thanks guys!