View Full Version : Question about race # for Icebreaker and Gorenaire

06-01-2002, 05:46 AM
I've recently been doing some work on Dreadlands in my DB, fixing spawn points and adding
missing NPCs, and haven't been able to get Gorenaire (the frost dragon) to show up properly.
The standard LavaDragon race just appears as a human, as does WaterDragon and all the Velious ones.
The dragon textures don't seem to be in dreadlands_chr.s3d even though I have the latest patch.
Also, what race number does the Icebreaker ship in Iceclad Ocean use? Ship (72) appears as a human,
Launch (73) is a barrel barge, and Boat (141) is just a small rowing boat. I can't find any other ship-related races on the list.

06-01-2002, 06:11 AM
Gorenaire / Vox is 49 0 0

Or, 49 1 1..

Nag is 1 1 and Vox is 0 0 or vice-versa..

Vox / Gorenaire / Jorlleag / Ventani the warder - same model..

06-01-2002, 06:18 AM
Drawde check the global files and see if the dragon is in there. I think that a dragon model is in there. Not sure though. I am making a list of zones and what models are in them. It should be done by next Friday if work is slow.

06-01-2002, 06:46 AM
For icebreaker, from the MSH DB

INSERT INTO npc_types (id,name,level,race,class,hp,gender,texture,helmte xture,size,hp_regen_rate,mana_regen_rate,loottable _id,merchant_id,mindmg,maxdmg,usedspells,npcspecia lattks,banish,aggroradius,fixedz,face,luclin_hairs tyle,luclin_haircolor,luclin_eyecolor,luclin_beard color,d_meele_texture1,d_meele_texture2, walkspeed, runspeed) VALUES (37120,'Icebreaker',60,72,1,14405,0,255,255,-1.000000,0,0, 0 ,0,0,0,'','',0,0,1,0,255,255,255,255,0,0,3.333333, 6.250000);

06-01-2002, 07:16 AM
Thanks for the help.
Seems like Icebreaker does use the Ship race but with gender=0. I'll have to try that out.