View Full Version : General Question - Money?

09-12-2006, 08:55 AM
ok, I've been pawing through the databases for a few hours now and I just have to ask. In what table is money stored?

09-12-2006, 04:12 PM
table character_, field profile [BLOB]

You have to decode the Hex values. I do not have this info, but it's likely
in the C++ code

Not that simple I'm afraid, but you can also put 1cp on your character and then 1pp then look at the hex differences.


09-13-2006, 04:10 AM
I figured that it was in that lump of hex. ^-^ good thing I'm good at hex editing.

Thank you for confirming my fears.

09-14-2006, 05:21 AM
I figured that it was in that lump of hex. ^-^ good thing I'm good at hex editing.

Thank you for confirming my fears.
on a side note.
It was IBM that decided on the prefix of "hexa" rather than the proper Latin prefix of "sexa". The word "hexadecimal" is strange in that hexa is derived from the Greek for "six" and decimal is derived from the Latin for "tenth".
the expected purely Latin form would be "sexadecimal", but then computer hackers would be tempted to shorten the word to "sex".
so we all decided not to use that because god only knows what would happen if any of use nerds got used to banging sex late at night on our keyboards instead of hex's.

09-15-2006, 03:18 AM
0_o So all this time I've been having sex? Not doing hex?

Thanks for the information...Sexy Hex...

09-15-2006, 04:08 AM
If you want plenty of money the best way is to summon 20 blue diamonds and go to the nearest shopkeeper... no need of hex editing...

09-15-2006, 05:06 AM
If you want plenty of money the best way is to summon 20 blue diamonds and go to the nearest shopkeeper... no need of hex editing...

I perfer selling ingots for money.