View Full Version : EVENT_COMBAT Glitch?

10-23-2006, 08:41 AM
FatherNitwit: added EVENT_COMBAT triggered when an NPC engages any form of
FatherNitwit: combat and when combat is over. $combat_state signals which.

Here's a simple pl I plan for the guards;
#npc - Gfaydark Guard Protectors
#zone - Gfaydark

quest::say("For the defense of Kelethin!!");
quest::say("For the protection of all Fier'Dal, there shall be no mercy for your kind.");
This works fine but, I noticed, when the aggro wears off, the NPC repeats the text again; Anotherwords, he sees the mob, chants his text, kills the mob - then a few seconds later he settles down, re-chants the text , and walks back to where he was.
I wonder if this is just something needs to be fixed, or there's a way to get him not to repeat himself?

John Adams
10-23-2006, 08:47 AM
Maybe he's just really zealous?

10-23-2006, 09:18 AM
sub EVENT_COMBAT is triggered at combat start and end. use the variable mentioned at the log that should fix it ($combat_state)

10-23-2006, 09:28 AM
sub EVENT_COMBAT is triggered at combat start and end. use the variable mentioned at the log that should fix it ($combat_state)
I tried this and nothing happened ($combat_state) - maybe I used it wrong?

10-23-2006, 03:01 PM
if($combat_state == 1) {
quest::say("For the defense of Kelethin!!");
quest::say("For the protection of all Fier'Dal, there shall be no mercy for your kind.");

10-23-2006, 04:34 PM
Sorry to nitpick, but the guards say
"For the protection of all Fier'Dal, there shall be no mercy for your kind."
after they have successfully killed something, not when they start combat. An easy mistake to make, since they rarely need more than one swing to dispatch that decaying skeleton...

10-23-2006, 11:15 PM
Sorry to nitpick, but the guards say
"For the protection of all Fier'Dal, there shall be no mercy for your kind."
after they have successfully killed something, not when they start combat. An easy mistake to make, since they rarely need more than one swing to dispatch that decaying skeleton...

I guess EVENT_NPC_SLAY would be the one to add for that, but I can't seem to get it to work.

10-24-2006, 03:39 AM
try $combat_state == 1 for your attacking message
and $combat_state == 0 for the npc's message for it's opponent's death
and see if that does the trick.