View Full Version : Char Creation - Sense Heading

10-26-2006, 10:00 AM
Line 960 in world/client.cpp:

// Racial Languages
SetRacialLanguages( &pp ); // bUsh
SetRaceStartingSkills( &pp ); // bUsh
SetClassStartingSkills( &pp ); // bUsh
pp.skills[SENSE_HEADING + 1] = 200;

At least on my setup using the latest release (871/2006-10-22), this sets Singing to 200 rather than sense heading.

Changed it to:
pp.skills[SENSE_HEADING] = 200;

and this sets sense heading correctly for the newly created character.

Once that is working as it should, the following "optimization" to zone/client.cpp seems appropriate:

Line 1663 in zone/client.cpp:
bool Client::CheckIncreaseSkill(int skillid, int chancemodi) {
if (IsAIControlled()) // no skillups while chamred =p
return false;
if (skillid > HIGHEST_SKILL)
return false;
if (skillid == SENSE_HEADING)
return false;

Since sense heading is maxed anyway, we don't need to do a skill gain check on it.
