View Full Version : Renni_Stone

12-29-2006, 07:41 AM
A missing entry is needed in the database for this one, a 'Collection of Rocks' at location 28081.

#Quest Name: Renni's Rock Collection
#Author: CrabClaw
#NPCs Involved: Renni_Stone
#Items Involved: All from Angelox's Database
#zone: poknowledge
#Revised CrabClaw v1.0

# Curator_Merri: The Collector's Box

quest::say("Har har $name! I see yer curious mind has brought ye to what will be the most fabulous and fascinating museum display of them all, the geological exhibit. Behold the [rocks] of Norrath! I'd be most delighted to show them to ye, eh, but I'm afraid it's not quite ready yet, you see. Some pieces of my collection have gone missing and I haven't gone to get replacements yet.");
quest::say("Eh, let's see. I'm missing a Whirling Crystal, A Scarlet Stone, Icy Geoduck, and A Pulsating Rock. Might ye have these on ye? If ye do, go and get a Collector's Box from [Merri], and put them inside. Close the box and bring it to me. The display will be most grand if ye do!");
quest::say("Curator Merri is the founder of the museum in the Selia district of New Tanaan. She is a true visionary and a wonderful person as well. It is her dream to turn life's love into something truly grand. She also carries with her the Collector's Boxes. If you need one, be sure to ask her for it.");
if ($itemcount{28081} == 1){
#A missing entry here in the database, a 'Collection of Rocks' at location 28081 is needed.
quest::say("Aye you be a god send! Thank thee and ave a rewrad fer yer troubles! Thank ye very much.");
#END of FILE Zone:poknowledge ID:202018 -- Renni_Stone