View Full Version : Database Update

02-20-2007, 03:02 AM
Get your database up to date, heres all of the changelog shit. If I missed anything, tell me..

2/22/2007 Required SQL:

CREATE TABLE aa_effects (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
aaid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
slot tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
effectid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
base1 mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
base2 mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
UNIQUE KEY NewIndex (aaid,slot)

--Required SQL:

ALTER TABLE `zone` ADD `cancombat` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1';
UPDATE `zone` SET `cancombat` = 0 WHERE short_name = 'nexus';
UPDATE `zone` SET `cancombat` = 0 WHERE short_name = 'poknowledge';
UPDATE `zone` SET `cancombat` = 0 WHERE short_name = 'potranquility';
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` ADD `see_hide` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
alter table npc_types add column trackable tinyint(4) not null default 1;
ALTER TABLE `npc_types` ADD `see_improved_hide` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE quest_globals CHANGE expdate expdate INT;
create table `rule_sets` (
`ruleset_id` tinyint (3),
`name` varchar (255)
insert into `rule_sets` (`ruleset_id`, `name`) values('0','default');

create table `rule_values` (
`ruleset_id` tinyint (3),
`rule_name` varchar (64),
`rule_value` varchar (10)


CREATE TABLE altadv_vars (
skill_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
name varchar(128) default NULL,
cost int(11) default NULL,
max_level int(11) default NULL,
hotkey_sid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
hotkey_sid2 int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
title_sid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
desc_sid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
spellid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
prereq_skill int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
prereq_minpoints int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
spell_type int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
spell_refresh int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
classes int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '65534',
berserker int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
class_type int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
cost_inc int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (skill_id)

CREATE TABLE aa_actions (
aaid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
rank tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
reuse_time mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
spell_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
target tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
nonspell_action tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
nonspell_mana mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
nonspell_duration mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
redux_aa mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
redux_rate tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (aaid,rank)

alter table altadv_vars add column cost_inc tinyint(4) not null default 0;

--Optional(recommended): Note: Only run this after you've ran the required batch first.

UPDATE `npc_types` SET `see_hide` = 1 WHERE see_invis = '1';
UPDATE `npc_types` SET `see_hide` = 1 WHERE see_invis_undead = '1';
INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:MaxLevel", "65");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:DeathExpLossLevel", "6");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:LeaveCorpses", "false");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS", "10800000");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:LeaveNakedCorpses", "false");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:ExpMultiplier", "1.0");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:AutosaveIntervalS", "300");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:HPRegenMultiplier", "100");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:ManaRegenMultiplier", "100");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier", "100");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Guild:MaxMembers", "2048");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills", "21");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Pets:AttackCommandRange", "150");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere", "250");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS", "60000");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS", "65000");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Spells:SpellAggroModifier", "100");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Spells:BardSpellAggroMod", "3");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Spells:PetSpellAggroMod", "10");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Combat:BaseCritChance", "0.0");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Combat:WarBerBaseCritChance", "0.03");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Combat:BerserkBaseCritChance", "0.06");

INSERT INTO rule_values
(ruleset_id, rule_name, rule_value)
(0, "Combat:NPCBashKickLevel", "6");

also source this file!


Oh and here's the variables table stuff too if you want it..

INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('MOTD','Welcome to EverQuest!','Server Message of the Day',20060411132036);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('disablecommandline','0','Allow command lines to be run from world.exe | 0 - off | 1 - on |',20041020074925);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PersistentZoneState','0','Save zone state on shutdown for bootup | 0 - off | 1 - on |',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('decaytime 1 54','300','Corpse decay time for Level\'s 1 to 54',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('decaytime 55 100','1800','Corpse decay time for Level\'s 55 to 100',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('Max_AAXP','21626880','Max AA Experience',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ZSPassword','12345','Zone Server Password',20050914215025);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('loglevel','0000','Commands,Merchants,Trades,Loot ',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('MerchantsKeepItems','1','Merchants keep items sold to them | 0 - off | 1 - on |',20040827181207);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('GuildWars','0','Enable Guild Wars Type Server | 0 - off | 1 - on |',00000000000000);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('leavecorpses','1','Players leave corpses | 0 - off | 1 - on |',20041019204159);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('holdzones','1','Restart Crashed Zone Servers | 0 - off | 1 - on |',20040919150513);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('EXPMod','.8','Experience multipler. Increase to increase exp rate',20050610185738);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('GroupEXPBonus','.2','Experience multipler. Increase to increase group exp rate',20041110150037);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('AAXPMod','.9','AA Experience multipler. Increase to increase exp rate',20040921235108);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('Expansions','255','Accessible expansions for each player',20040403215403);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ServerType','0','Sets server type | 0 - normal | 1 - pvp |',20041028110941);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('LoginType','','Set this to Minilogin to login using a minilogin server :)',20060912100450);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('DisableNoDrop','0','Takes No-Drop off of items',20041028110804);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACfail','35','the percentage of time AC fails to protect. 0 would mean there was always some level of protection, 100 would mean AC has no affect. When AC fails, it will be possible to get a max dmg hit.',20050204113609);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACreduction','1','the percentage of AC that is ALWAYS reduced from a hit (except when AC fails with ACfail) \n\n',20041103102423);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACrandom','3','the maximum amount of additional protection AC provides. 0 would mean no additional protection is provided, otherwise an additional amount of reduction is calculated using a random percentage of 1 to this value (except when AC fails with ACfail) \n',20050204113615);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('DBVersion','peq_070','DB version info',20060912110721);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('LootCoin','0','Allows players to loot coin off a player corpse in pvp | 0 - off | 1 - on |',20041108072826);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PvPreward','0','Allows players to loot items off a player corpse in pvp | 0 - no items | 1 - a single item | 2 - all items | 3 - item specified in PvPreward |',20041108072835);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PvPitem','0','Specific item that can be looted off a player in pvp',20041108072808);
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ailevel','6','Had something to do with NPC casting. Leave at 6.',20051001103720);

(It's the aa sql stuff in the recent changelog.)

02-21-2007, 03:54 PM
Pardon? lol I think you misunderstand my use of the term shit.

If I were calling shit I would have said.. Here's the shitty changelog shit... What I meant was, Here's the shit from the changelog.

02-21-2007, 04:27 PM
Just a word of warning: the SL has "drop table" commands in it, so running those commands will cause some data loss if you already have your database populated.

02-24-2007, 05:08 AM
Very cool of you to put it all in one place.

If I may make a suggestion though?

You might want to tell people that if they already have a populated altadv_vars table, they do not need to run that code as it will WIPE the data in it, leaving them with NO AAs at all.

Also, the changelogs keep saying to source AA_Data.sql, but none is ever provided anywhere--not in the source code releases (which is the [;ace that makes the most sense), nor anywhere here that I can see (the small source Angelox posted is NOT the one KLS is working from now--KLS has a source that I gave him that contains the vars through OOW. The reason I do not post it is because he may want to make changes to it (none are needed as it is accurate but you never know).. but still, someone needs to post that, as serverOPs that do not RTFM are wiping out their AA tables with these suggestions and are not being given anything to replace them with).

02-24-2007, 05:53 AM
Keep in mind, the sources you see the Devs posting are "Alpha" and not 100% working/compatible/etc. What you see is the "crude" work of what they are doing.
If you want to follow through with the latest updates, then you have to realize you risk loosing data.
Hopefully, you keep backups of your server (if you have a server), so you can restore if you don't like what happened.
Many servers do not update for this reason ( they do not want to risk loosing data).