View Full Version : Unholy Silk

04-04-2007, 05:47 PM
The quest given by "Talorial D'Estalian", in neriakc is broken. As you can see he will not hand you the item needed to complete the quest:
if($text=~/what gather some items/i){
quest::say("Excellent $name. Please take this Old Enchanted Tailors Kit. It contains magical power that is able to fashion specific components into a magical version of whatever the core material is. If you are a Necromancer you will need to gather halfling hides that have been infused with many different elements that you will collect and combine in this box. Simply tell me what pattern you want and I will present you with the recipe necessary for [Gloves]. [Robe]. [Trousers]. [Sleeves]. [Skullcap]. [Bracers] and [slippers]. I would recommend you fashion your Robe last due to the difficulty and complex nature that is involved with finding the items necessary.");
is missing this line:
which is the "old enchanted box" (peq DB)

Sorry if I put this in the wrong section. I couldn't decide whether it was a bug or was quest support... :)