View Full Version : Release V 0.0.9

04-06-2007, 03:33 PM
Version 0.0.9 - Status - Learning a lot!

Time for another release! Yeay me. Anyway, I did a lot of work under the hood as well as in the open. I managed a second wind and now I'm back on track. I fixed some stuff. Though I still have a long way to go before reaching beta.

Tradeskill Editor - I'm still working on this, I'm placing all the stationary objects into checkboxes. This will once again allow editing of most if not all tradeskill recipes.
A few more cute little icons.
Item storage now uses a different extension. This will help with the problem when accidentally opening a system config file and crashing the program. I plan to give config files a new extension soon.
Search is now decked out with a new set of functions. I plan to make functions for every search able table. I also want to make an additional function that will list what monsters drop what items and where those monsters spawn. The search for now is just for items. It is quite extensive and will make the database editor far more useful than it is now.
Search window itself - I made the search window smaller. I'm making this program at 1440 by 900 res so it turns out that allot of the windows are a bit too big at 1024 by 768. I'm still working those kinks out.
Script editor - This is a real alfa section of the program. The only things that work are Build Outline and after selecting the comment you can use player says and insert into text. It's a long way from being useful and doesn't load quests yet. But I will make this script editor the best. I'm working on a syntax colorer to aid in the construction of quests. Needless to say, it's still a long way from complete.

As you can see. this program is still a long way from finished. However as time creeps by it does get better. I have so many plans for features that it could very well take till summer to finish.

Notes from the programmer:
Could I get feedback from the community? I need to know how the program is being used, What features are used the most, and what features would be most used if included. Don't miss under stand me, I like the complements but I need some insight. My server isn't all that large or over populated. so to me this tool is more like a teaser for me and my friends.

Also, I need bug reports. I found a bug today that was in the program for almost three releases. T-T

04-07-2007, 05:12 AM
Well...my only real complaint is that it isnt compatible with old mysql at this point in time...

otherwise, its awesome! lol

maybe post the old DLL's? :grin: :grin: :grin: