View Full Version : Dreadspire zone points.

04-13-2007, 04:43 AM
Some dreadspire zone points i found while trying to do something with this zone.

Given as x , y , z , heading

sort of palace (biggest part of the zone) : -3 , 2472 , 104, 0
zone in maybe ? : 1355 , -1030 , -570 , 167
prolly supposed to be a door or some portal here as it leads to nothing : 1 , -150 , 105 , 255
Some long corridor : -68 , -3 , -522 , 60
some little place : -73 , -6 , -1289 , 0

Never been there on live so don't know at all how all this is linked together, but it's a cool looking zone. Now just miss a .map file.