View Full Version : Tabure Ahendle

06-30-2007, 05:42 AM
This girl-NPC is standing right outside the warriors hall of South Qeynos.

This is a new quest that exists on live but not in the current crop of quests out there for EQEmu. Part of the warriors guilf of Qeynos, she give you two quests 'Bandit Sashes' and the 'Blurred Map' quest. There was not data on the text of the quest, but there was enough for me to get the rewards and turn-ins done. So excuse me for extrapolating some the the spoken text in the typical soe-bland-esque NPC speech but the rewards are as close to live as you can get.

The first two speech entries are Live's not mine, so yes, officially she does not like bards. ^.-


(This one should be 100% pasteurized.)

#Quest Name:Tabure Ahendle Quest Series
#Author: CrabClaw
#NPCs Involved: Ebon Strongbear
#Items Involved:
#zone: qeynos
#Revised CrabClaw v1.22

quest::say("What have we here? Perhaps a future Ebon Strongbear? A [member of the Steel Warriors]? If the way of the warrior is not to your liking, might I suggest joining the League of Antonican Bards? The only damage you might take there is a sore throat! HAHAHA!");
}elsif($text=~/i am a member of the steel warriors/i){
quest::say("The Steel Warriors have no cause to dislike you, but you have yet to truly prove your worth to this guild. If you are looking to make a name with us I would be willing to give you a [task] or two to let you prove it.");
}elsif($text=~/i am not a member of the steel warriors/i){
quest::say("The Steel Warriors have no cause to dislike you, but you have yet to truly prove your worth to this guild. If you are looking to make a name with us I would be willing to give you a [task] or two to let you prove it.");
}elsif($text=~/what task/i){
quest::say("So many things to do and not enough people to help me. not only did my I loose my best [apprentice] to a bad turn of weather I have to ready this hall for a [official function] the Steel Warriors is having soon!");
}elsif($text=~/which apprentice/i){
quest::say("I am still saddened by the loss of my best student, but a warrior must accept and endure no less. But still, I am concerned about a map my apprentice had on him when he was shipwrecked while crossing over from Erudin. If you could recover it I would be very pleased, it was very important to our people.");
}elsif($text=~/what official function/i){
quest::say("I need to decorate this hall a bit for a party we are going to throw for Ebon. I was thinking a new kobold pelt rug would be a nice addition and a good gift for our venerable guild leader as well. If you could bring me back 4 of these Kobold Hides from Erudin so I can make a rug, I might, and I said might, just pass mention of your sacrfices with Ebon at the party. Sound good?");

my $randomarmor = int((rand(35))+4201) ;
my $randomweapon = int((rand(12))+5026);
my $randommoney1 = int(rand(10)) ;
my $randommoney2 = int(rand(10)) ;
my $randommoney3 = int(rand(2)) ;
if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13424 => 4)){
quest::say("Good work, warrior! Ebon is going to be proud of the halls new rug. You efforts will not go unnoticed!");
quest::faction(311,30); # +Steel Warriors
quest::faction(135,30); # +Guards of Qeynos
quest::faction(184,30); # +Knights of Truth
quest::faction(105,-30); # -Freeprt Militia
quest::faction(53,-30); # -Corrupt Qeynos Guards
quest::givecash(0,$randommoney1,$randommoney2,$ran dommoney3);
}elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13423 => 1)){
quest::say("You found it! Good work! I am please you managed to find him and recover the map. While I can not discuss the meaning of the map, you will be rewarded.");
quest::faction(311,30); # +Steel Warriors
quest::faction(135,30); # +Guards of Qeynos
quest::faction(184,30); # +Knights of Truth
quest::faction(105,-30); # -Freeprt Militia
quest::faction(53,-30); # -Corrupt Qeynos Guards
quest::givecash(0,$randommoney1,$randommoney2,$ran dommoney3);
#END of FILE Zone:qeynos ID:1098 -- Tabure_Ahendle