View Full Version : Treskar's Secret Mission

07-20-2007, 11:49 PM
Welcome to the next grobb quest update, hosted by YourQuestNPCisTakingABath, YourLootDoesnotDrop and featuring YourMobDoesnotSpawn!

And I swear a guide said "Quest writing was easy" :p

This is the easy bit, the quest itself:

#Quest Name: Treskar's Secret Mission
#Author: BWStripes
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 1
###NPC 1
#Name: Treskar
#Race 9 (Troll), Texture of 0, Size 0, gender of 0
#Location XYZ: -906.0, 485.0, 3.0 in Grobb
#Level: 60
#Type: SK Guildmaster
#Reward: itemid 2308: Froglok Skin Mask
###Item 1
#Name: Huge Mushroom Head
#ID: 12190
#NPC: 46061 - Spore_Guardian

#Description: Kill the mushroom guardian, and return his head. The guardian was a rare spawn, usually on the east side of the zone wandering N/S.
#It proc'd a 'whirl till you hurl' spinstun effect, which is why it was incredibly diffcult.

#Quest for SK GM Treskar in Grobb
quest::say("You dare speak to Master Treskar!! You be [sent by Hukulk] or you be hurtin'!! Me have no time to waste with ugly one like you!!");
if($text=~/sent by hukulk/i){
quest::say("Ha!! Hukulk accept puny troll now?!! Ha!! You join us and you join fight. Nightkeep enemy is $name enemy!! You help smash [other weak shadowknights]. Them weak. We true power!! You bash good and maybe you do [secret mission] for Treskar.");
if($text=~/other weak shadowknights/i){
quest::say("Ha! Dem Ogre Greenbloods are weaklings. Dems your enemy. Frogloks are your enemy. Smash all Greenbloods! Smash all Frogloks!");
if($text=~/secret mission/i){
#Should have a faction check. However, since the Trolls haven't eaten you, we'll let you do it.
quest::say("Nightkeep hear bashers see fungus man spore guardian at Innothule. Him protect young fungus man spores so they grow big, BIG an' attack trolls!! You go find spore guardian. Smash hi big red head!! Bring Treskar that huge mushroom head of his to prove he walk no more. You do this and me give you froglok skin mask.");

if($itemcount{12190} == 1){
quest::say("Ha! Dats one big dead head. You smashed him guud. Take dis mask, Shadowknight uv Nightkeep - I seez great tings for you."); #Guessed Dialog as quest was revised when removed to Neriak
quest::faction(66,50); #Da Bashers (Grobb general guards)
quest::faction(22,-20); #Broken Skull Clan
quest::faction(292,50); #Shadowknights of Night Keep (Troll SK)
quest::faction(22,-10); #Green Blood Knights (Ogre SK)
quest::exp("10000"); # Appropriate for ~level 10?
} else {
plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); #function from file plugins/check_handin.pl
plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Shadowknight'); #function from file plugins/guildmasters.pl

#End - SK GM Treskar, Grobb

And after that some investigation. First, the GM NPC is under the world, second, the Spore Guardian is missing its head and doesn't spawn. So we need some SQL.

WARNING: This SQL has been run against the current CVS download of PEQ, and no other. IDs are prone to change.

Fix the GM...actually whilst we're at it, fix BOTH Troll GMs....Treskar and Hukulk both spawn at z=3 which is in the lava...

update spawn2 set z='14.7' where spawngroupid='52060';
update spawn2 set z='14.7' where spawngroupid='52036';

Add a loottable entry for the Spore_Guardian.

insert into loottable (name,mincash,maxcash,avgcoin) values ('Spore_Guardian','560','1145','0');

To keep PEQ uniform, and before you proceed, you'll need the ID number of the entry you just made:

SELECT `id` from loottable where name like '%Spore_Guardian%';

The ID I got was 87291...change below as appropriate:

insert into lootdrop (name) values('87291_Spore_Guardian_Misc');

Yet another ID to get, this time from the entry just added to lootdrop:

SELECT `id` from lootdrop where name like '%Spore_Guardian%';

So, loottable_id is 87291, lootdrop_id is 87352...change below as appropriate:

insert into lootdrop_entries (lootdrop_id,item_id,item_charges,equip_item,chanc e) values('87352','12190','1','0','100');
insert into loottable_entries (loottable_id,lootdrop_id,multiplier,probability) values('87291','87352','1','100');

Finally, add the loot to the mob:

update npc_types set loottable_id='87291' where name='Spore_Guardian' and level='10';

Ooops...the thing doesn't spawn. Update the spawn table to have 5% chance with a_Fungus_Man_Trackers in innothule:

update spawnentry set chance='95' where npcID='46016';
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46058','46061','5');
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46059','46061','5');
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46060','46061','5');
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46061','46061','5');
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46062','46061','5');
insert into spawnentry (spawngroupID,npcID,chance) values('46063','46061','5');

If you got this far, congrats. Reboot your server for the loot changes to take effect :)

07-21-2007, 05:16 AM
Very well done, I added this to the ax_classic database (tested as working) - and will move the thread to "quests done"

07-25-2007, 03:28 AM
Added to PEQ, thank you!