View Full Version : world error

02-05-2008, 09:06 AM
ok so i have scowered the forum boards over the last few days and tried countless things to fix this last error, i found solutions to all of my compile errors and such but this last one i cant figure out i linked the file and copied the file into the directory neither worked

here is the error

./world | grep EMuShare

[Error] Load Shared Library 'libEMuShareMem.so' failed. Error=libEMuShareMem.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i have tried all i can think of i would like help because me and my friends would like to start playing/making things for EQemu

-Largo Usagi

02-05-2008, 09:40 AM
ok so i have scowered the forum boards over the last few days and tried countless things to fix this last error, i found solutions to all of my compile errors and such but this last one i cant figure out i linked the file and copied the file into the directory neither worked

here is the error

./world | grep EMuShare

[Error] Load Shared Library 'libEMuShareMem.so' failed. Error=libEMuShareMem.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i have tried all i can think of i would like help because me and my friends would like to start playing/making things for EQemu

-Largo Usagi

It looks like you just need a script to add the directory where you have libEmuShareMem.so to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

e.g., I have a directory with world, zone and libEMuShareMem.so (and all the other required config files etc) in, and a script called bootserver, which contains this:

rm logs/*
rm *log
./world 2>&1 >> world.log &

which just adds my current directory (.) to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You could replace the . with an absolute path if you wanted to.

So I just run ./bootserver (and also another script to run eqlaunch).

02-05-2008, 11:53 AM
well the script fixed a small problem but when i ran the ./zone i got this now
at least the server will launch without any errors to my knowledge

./zone $1 77$2
[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_zone.log
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Resetting running rules to default values
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[Status] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_zone.log
[Status] Using database 'eqemu' at localhost:3306
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Log settings loaded from ./log.ini
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Mapping Incoming Opcodes
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Loading Variables
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Loading zone names
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Loading items
[Error] Load Shared Library 'libEMuShareMem.so' failed. Error=libEMuShareMem.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT_ERR] Loading items FAILED!
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Failed. But ignoring error and going on...
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT] Loading npc faction lists
[Error] Load Shared Library 'libEMuShareMem.so' failed. Error=libEMuShareMem.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[Debug] [ZONE__INIT_ERR] Loading npcs faction lists FAILED!

02-05-2008, 12:02 PM
well i fixed this problem by writing it into a script now all i would like to know is how to make static and dynamic zones and keep it from runing people into seperate instances