View Full Version : Problem with rules

03-13-2008, 11:54 AM
I read through the rules wiki and followed the directions there to add an experience multiplier. I edited the tables with mysql and then added the rule in game via #rules setdb Character:ExpMultiplier 10.0. It didn't seem to change experience rates so I logged out and checked the table. The value is in the table. I rebooted the server and it even loads the rule in world when it starts with [03.13. - 18:21:26] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ExpMultiplier to value 10.0000000000000

I logged back in to try it out and I'm still getting the same experience rates. I don't know that it would matter but I'm working on AA as I'm already max level. I am still getting the same aa experience per kill as before. Does anyone have any ideas?

03-13-2008, 06:45 PM
I haven't messed with it myself personally, but I do see there are 2 settings in the variables table that might do what you're looking for: AAXPMod & EXPMod.

I would try changing those, and possibly GroupEXPBonus, and see if it makes a difference.

03-14-2008, 10:40 AM
AA exp is in a different field. They are separate. Regular exp and AA exp are separate, so editing the regular exp when you are maxed out in level wont increase your AA exp. AndMetal is right, you need to edit the one for AAexp.

03-14-2008, 11:17 AM
How would I go about adding an aa experience rule? I tried the command in game #rules setdb Character:AAExp 5.0 but it said failed to modify rule.

03-14-2008, 12:34 PM
I use Navicat for simple changes like that. You can use MySQL gui tools (free from MySQL site) or phpmyadmin. The console is not a really good way to do things when you are starting out, unless you want to do a LOT of trial and error and a LOT of reading.

I just open Navicat and click on the table, then click in the field for the modifier and type in what I want, then close Navicat. Easy stuff. After you make any changes, at the bottom of the program it shows you the query you would have used if you had typed it into the console, so it teaches you. If you want to use the console, you can also open a console from the Menu in Navicat and just type away with your commands. No more opening a cmd prompt and typeing Mysql -u etc...