View Full Version : Unused item numbers

06-22-2002, 03:55 AM
Ok, for you item makers out there. Here is a list of items not used in the database. (expected for 3.4 that is)

Any line starting with * means there are 50 or more blank numbers in a row.

Also included is a VBScript that I used to make the list. To use it you need myODBC, and WSH installed, and you need to edit the following in the script to match your information

IP = ""
user = "put mysql username here"
pass = "put mysql Password here"
DB = "eq33"

Those with older versions of myODBC will also need to edit
DSN = ("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Se.....
DSN = ("Driver={MySQL};Se.....

note: I just posted the beginning of that line