View Full Version : /rewind

04-20-2008, 02:54 PM
I've seen several people asking about this, so I figured I'd take a look into it.

Player Movement only stores coordinates to /rewind if they were significant, yet not a very large movement update. This prevents someone from intra-zone gating, then /rewind to get back to a spawn, etc.

One thing, when doing the diff, be sure that you update patch_Titanium.conf and move it into your server's folder, since this patch updates it (if you don't, then OP_Rewind won't get identified, and the rest of the patch won't do anything).

Here ya go, let me know what you think:

This was diffed against 0.7.0-1106:
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/zoning.cpp C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/zoning.cpp
< if(Admin() < minStatusToIgnoreZoneFlags && !HasZoneFlag(target_zone_id)) {
> if(Admin() < minStatusToIgnoreZoneFlags && !HasZoneFlag(target_zone_id)) {
> case Rewind:
> Message(15, "Rewinding to previous location.");
> ZonePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading, ignorerestrictions, zm);
> break;
< switch(zm) {
< case EvacToSafeCoords:
< case ZoneToSafeCoords:
< x = zone->safe_x();
< y = zone->safe_y();
< z = zone->safe_z();
< heading = heading;
< break;
< case GMSummon:
< zonesummon_x = x_pos = x;
< zonesummon_y = y_pos = y;
< zonesummon_z = z_pos = z;
< heading = heading;
< zonesummon_id = zoneID;
< zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = 1;
< break;
< case ZoneSolicited:
< zonesummon_x = x;
< zonesummon_y = y;
< zonesummon_z = z;
< heading = heading;
< zonesummon_id = zoneID;
< zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = ignorerestrictions;
< break;
< case GateToBindPoint:
< x = x_pos = m_pp.binds[0].x;
< y = y_pos = m_pp.binds[0].y;
< z = z_pos = m_pp.binds[0].z;
< heading = m_pp.binds[0].heading;
< break;
< case ZoneToBindPoint:
< x = x_pos = m_pp.binds[0].x;
< y = y_pos = m_pp.binds[0].y;
< z = z_pos = m_pp.binds[0].z;
< heading = m_pp.binds[0].heading;
< zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = 1;
< LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "Player %s has died and will be zoned to bind point in zone: %s at LOC x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, heading=%f", GetName(), pZoneName, m_pp.binds[0].x, m_pp.binds[0].y, m_pp.binds[0].z, m_pp.binds[0].heading);
< break;
< case SummonPC:
> switch(zm) {
> case EvacToSafeCoords:
> case ZoneToSafeCoords:
> x = zone->safe_x();
> y = zone->safe_y();
> z = zone->safe_z();
> heading = heading;
> break;
> case GMSummon:
> zonesummon_x = x_pos = x;
> zonesummon_y = y_pos = y;
> zonesummon_z = z_pos = z;
> heading = heading;
> zonesummon_id = zoneID;
> zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = 1;
> break;
> case ZoneSolicited:
> zonesummon_x = x;
> zonesummon_y = y;
> zonesummon_z = z;
> heading = heading;
> zonesummon_id = zoneID;
> zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = ignorerestrictions;
> break;
> case GateToBindPoint:
> x = x_pos = m_pp.binds[0].x;
> y = y_pos = m_pp.binds[0].y;
> z = z_pos = m_pp.binds[0].z;
> heading = m_pp.binds[0].heading;
> break;
> case ZoneToBindPoint:
> x = x_pos = m_pp.binds[0].x;
> y = y_pos = m_pp.binds[0].y;
> z = z_pos = m_pp.binds[0].z;
> heading = m_pp.binds[0].heading;
> zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = 1;
> LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "Player %s has died and will be zoned to bind point in zone: %s at LOC x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, heading=%f", GetName(), pZoneName, m_pp.binds[0].x, m_pp.binds[0].y, m_pp.binds[0].z, m_pp.binds[0].heading);
> break;
> case SummonPC:
< break;
< default:
< LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Client::ZonePC() received a reguest to perform an unsupported client zone operation.");
< ReadyToZone = false;
< break;
> break;
> case Rewind:
> LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "%s has requested a /rewind from %f, %f, %f, to %f, %f, %f in %s", GetName(), x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, rewind_x, rewind_y, rewind_z, zone->GetShortName());
> zonesummon_x = x_pos = x;
> zonesummon_y = y_pos = y;
> zonesummon_z = z_pos = z;
> heading = heading;
> break;
> default:
> LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Client::ZonePC() received a reguest to perform an unsupported client zone operation.");
> ReadyToZone = false;
> break;
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/mob.cpp C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/mob.cpp
> rewind_timer(30000), //Lieka: Timer used for determining amount of time between actual player position updates for /rewind.
< bardsong_timer(6000),
> bardsong_timer(6000),
> rewind_x = 0; //Lieka: Stored x_pos for /rewind
> rewind_y = 0; //Lieka: Stored y_pos for /rewind
> rewind_z = 0; //Lieka: Stored z_pos for /rewind
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/client_packet.cpp C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/client_packet.cpp
> ConnectedOpcodes[OP_Rewind] = &Client::Handle_OP_Rewind;
> //Lieka: Check to see if PPU should trigger an update to the rewind position.
> float rewind_x_diff = 0;
> float rewind_y_diff = 0;
> float rewind_z_diff = 0;
> rewind_x_diff = ppu->x_pos - rewind_x;
> rewind_x_diff *= rewind_x_diff;
> rewind_y_diff = ppu->y_pos - rewind_y;
> rewind_y_diff *= rewind_y_diff;
> //Lieka: We only need to store updated values if the player has moved.
> //If the player has moved more than units for x or y, then we'll store
> //his pre-PPU x and y for /rewind, in case he gets stuck.
> if ((rewind_x_diff > 750) || (rewind_y_diff > 750)) {
> rewind_x = x_pos;
> rewind_y = y_pos;
> rewind_z = z_pos;
> }
> //Lieka: If the PPU was a large jump, such as a cross zone gate or Call of Hero,
> //just update rewind coords to the new ppu coords. This will prevent exploitation.
> if ((rewind_x_diff > 5000) || (rewind_y_diff > 5000)) {
> rewind_x = ppu->x_pos;
> rewind_y = ppu->y_pos;
> rewind_z = ppu->z_pos;
> }
< if(
< ( (heading != ppu->heading) && !((int)heading % 3) ) || // turning
< ( (x_pos != ppu->x_pos) && !((int)x_pos % 6) ) // moving
< )
< {
< CheckIncreaseSkill(SENSE_HEADING, -20);
< }
> if(
> ( (heading != ppu->heading) && !((int)heading % 3) ) || // turning
> ( (x_pos != ppu->x_pos) && !((int)x_pos % 6) ) // moving
> )
> {
> CheckIncreaseSkill(SENSE_HEADING, -20);
> }
> rewind_timer.Start(30000, true);
< }
> }
> }
> void Client::Handle_OP_Rewind(const EQApplicationPacket *app)
> {
> if ((rewind_timer.GetRemainingTime() > 1 && rewind_timer.Enabled())) {
> Message_StringID(MT_System, 4059); //You must wait a bit longer before using the rewind command again.
> } else {
> CastToClient()->MovePC(zone->GetZoneID(), rewind_x, rewind_y, rewind_z, 0, 2, Rewind);
> rewind_timer.Start(30000, true);
> }
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/client.h C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/client.h
> Rewind, // Lieka: Summon to /rewind location.
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/client_packet.h C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/client_packet.h
> void Handle_OP_Rewind(const EQApplicationPacket *app);
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/zone/mob.h C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/zone/mob.h
> float rewind_x; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
> float rewind_y; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
> float rewind_z; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
> Timer rewind_timer; //Lieka: Used for measuring how long a player stays in one spot
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/utils/patch_Titanium.conf C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/utils/patch_Titanium.conf
> OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka 4/20/08: /rewind command
diff C:/eqemu-source-diff/EQEmu-0.7.0-1106/common/emu_oplist.h C:/eqemu-source-diff/daxum/common/emu_oplist.h
> N(OP_Rewind),


04-21-2008, 01:35 PM
I didn't think about the fact that many people aren't running the stock eqemu source, and that generated patch diffs might not be the best way for them to update their sources. With that said, here's a manual context diff. Just go through and add the red lines into your source, and you should be good to go.

Also, to clarify, this update gives functionality to the client /rewind feature. This command / feature was added to the client by Sony due to the collision issues (i.e. players getting stuck on trees and ladders, etc). This will allow players to "unstick" themselves if they are trapped in geometry without the need for GM assistance.

Without further delay, here is the code (note: this is the same code as my previous post - just in an easier to read format, for ServerOps that want to manually update their source):

patch_Titanium.conf (in your eqemu directory)

OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x385e # FNW Discovered on Feb 9, 2007
OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka: /rewind command

#bazaar trader stuff stuff:
#become and buy from




bool DivineAura() const;
bool SpecAttacks[SPECATK_MAXNUM];
Shielders_Struct shielder[MAX_SHIELDERS];
Trade* trade;

bool fix_pathing;
float rewind_x; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
float rewind_y; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
float rewind_z; //Lieka: Used for storing /rewind values
Timer rewind_timer; //Lieka: Used for measuring how long a player stays in one spot
inline float GetCWPX() const { return(cur_wp_x); }
inline float GetCWPY() const { return(cur_wp_y); }
inline float GetCWPZ() const { return(cur_wp_z); }
inline float GetCWPP() const { return(cur_wp_pause); }
inline int GetCWP() const { return(cur_wp); }
virtual FACTION_VALUE GetReverseFactionCon(Mob* iOther) { return FACTION_INDIFFERENT; }


void Handle_OP_PurchaseLeadershipAA(const EQApplicationPacket *app);
void Handle_OP_Ignore(const EQApplicationPacket *app);
void Handle_OP_LoadSpellSet(const EQApplicationPacket *app);
void Handle_OP_AutoFire(const EQApplicationPacket *app);
void Handle_OP_Rewind(const EQApplicationPacket *app);


typedef enum {
ZoneToSafeCoords, // Always send ZonePlayerToBind_Struct to client: Succor/Evac
GMSummon, // Always send ZonePlayerToBind_Struct to client: Only a GM Summon
ZoneToBindPoint, // Always send ZonePlayerToBind_Struct to client: Death Only
ZoneSolicited, // Always send ZonePlayerToBind_Struct to client: Portal, Translocate, Evac spells that have a x y z coord in the spell data
GateToBindPoint, // Always send RequestClientZoneChange_Struct to client: Gate spell or Translocate To Bind Point spell
SummonPC, // In-zone GMMove() always: Call of the Hero spell or some other type of in zone only summons
Rewind, // Lieka: Summon to /rewind location.
} ZoneMode;


case ZoneToBindPoint:
ZonePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading, ignorerestrictions, zm);
case ZoneSolicited:
ZonePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading, ignorerestrictions, zm);
case SummonPC:
Message(15, "You have been summoned!");
ZonePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading, ignorerestrictions, zm);
case Rewind:
Message(15, "Rewinding to previous location.");
ZonePC(zoneID, x, y, z, heading, ignorerestrictions, zm);
LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Client::ProcessMovePC received a reguest to perform an unsupported client zone operation.");

case ZoneToBindPoint:
x = x_pos = m_pp.binds[0].x;
y = y_pos = m_pp.binds[0].y;
z = z_pos = m_pp.binds[0].z;
heading = m_pp.binds[0].heading;

zonesummon_ignorerestrictions = 1;
LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "Player %s has died and will be zoned to bind point in zone: %s at LOC x=%f, y=%f, z=%f, heading=%f", GetName(), pZoneName, m_pp.binds[0].x, m_pp.binds[0].y, m_pp.binds[0].z, m_pp.binds[0].heading);
case SummonPC:
zonesummon_x = x_pos = x;
zonesummon_y = y_pos = y;
zonesummon_z = z_pos = z;
heading = heading;
case Rewind:
LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "%s has requested a /rewind from %f, %f, %f, to %f, %f, %f in %s", GetName(), x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, rewind_x, rewind_y, rewind_z, zone->GetShortName());
zonesummon_x = x_pos = x;
zonesummon_y = y_pos = y;
zonesummon_z = z_pos = z;
heading = heading;
LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Error, "Client::ZonePC() received a reguest to perform an unsupported client zone operation.");
ReadyToZone = false;


rewind_timer(30000), //Lieka: Timer used for determining amount of time between actual player position updates for /rewind.

rewind_x = 0;
rewind_y = 0;
rewind_z = 0;
_egnode = NULL;
adverrorinfo = 0;


ConnectedOpcodes[OP_FloatListThing] = &Client::Handle_OP_Ignore;
ConnectedOpcodes[OP_WorldUnknown001] = &Client::Handle_OP_Ignore;
ConnectedOpcodes[OP_LoadSpellSet] = &Client::Handle_OP_LoadSpellSet;
ConnectedOpcodes[OP_AutoFire] = &Client::Handle_OP_AutoFire;
ConnectedOpcodes[OP_Rewind] = &Client::Handle_OP_Rewind;


printf("%s: Large position change: %f units\n", GetName(), sqrtf(dist));
printf("Coords: (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f) -> (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)\n",
x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, ppu->x_pos, ppu->y_pos, ppu->z_pos);
printf("Deltas: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) -> (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n",
delta_x, delta_y, delta_z, ppu->delta_x, ppu->delta_y, ppu->delta_z);

//Lieka: Check to see if PPU should trigger an update to the rewind position.
float rewind_x_diff = 0;
float rewind_y_diff = 0;
float rewind_z_diff = 0;

rewind_x_diff = ppu->x_pos - rewind_x;
rewind_x_diff *= rewind_x_diff;
rewind_y_diff = ppu->y_pos - rewind_y;
rewind_y_diff *= rewind_y_diff;

//Lieka: We only need to store updated values if the player has moved.
//If the player has moved more than units for x or y, then we'll store
//his pre-PPU x and y for /rewind, in case he gets stuck.
if ((rewind_x_diff > 750) || (rewind_y_diff > 750)) {
rewind_x = x_pos;
rewind_y = y_pos;
rewind_z = z_pos;

//Lieka: If the PPU was a large jump, such as a cross zone gate or Call of Hero,
//just update rewind coords to the new ppu coords. This will prevent exploitation.

if ((rewind_x_diff > 5000) || (rewind_y_diff > 5000)) {
rewind_x = ppu->x_pos;
rewind_y = ppu->y_pos;
rewind_z = ppu->z_pos;

// solar: a very low chance to improve at sense heading, since

sa_out->type = 0x03;
sa_out->parameter = 0;
entity_list.QueueClients(this, outapp, true);
rewind_timer.Start(30000, true);

void Client::Handle_OP_BankerChange(const EQApplicationPacket *app)
if(app->size != sizeof(BankerChange_Struct) && app->size!=4) // cb: Titanium only sends 4 Bytes for this

LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "Size mismatch in OP_BankerChange expected %i got %i", sizeof(BankerChange_Struct), app->size);

EQApplicationPacket *outapp=new EQApplicationPacket(OP_BankerChange,NULL,sizeof(Ba nkerChange_Struct));
BankerChange_Struct *bc=(BankerChange_Struct *)outapp->pBuffer;
uint32 cp=m_pp.copper+(m_pp.silver*10)+(m_pp.gold*100)+(m _pp.platinum*1000);

cp=m_pp.copper_bank+(m_pp.silver_bank*10)+(m_pp.go ld_bank*100)+(m_pp.platinum_bank*1000);





void Client::Handle_OP_AutoFire(const EQApplicationPacket *app)
if(app->size != sizeof(bool)) {
LogFile->write(EQEMuLog::Debug, "Size mismatch in OP_AutoFire expected %i got %i", sizeof(bool), app->size);
bool *af = (bool*)app->pBuffer;
auto_fire = *af;

void Client::Handle_OP_Rewind(const EQApplicationPacket *app)
if ((rewind_timer.GetRemainingTime() > 1 && rewind_timer.Enabled())) {
Message_StringID(MT_System, 4059); //You must wait a bit longer before using the rewind command again.
} else {
CastToClient()->MovePC(zone->GetZoneID(), rewind_x, rewind_y, rewind_z, 0, 2, Rewind);
rewind_timer.Start(30000, true);

04-21-2008, 04:24 PM
Woah, gratz on Developer, TheLieka! I am sure you will make a nice fit for the position! You've already done so much.

And to not completely derail this thread; The /rewind command looks amazing. Another thing that all server ops will be thanking you for :D

04-21-2008, 04:32 PM
Woah, gratz on Developer, TheLieka! I am sure you will make a nice fit for the position! You've already done so much.

Its not *official* just here on the forums, but I could think of no better way to reward the hard work. I hope it becomes official soon.

04-23-2008, 11:25 AM
I hope it becomes official soon.
Seconded :)

06-04-2008, 06:27 AM
Just added this code to my server and it works perfectly! Hadn't tried it till now, but it compiled error-free in the 1110 source. All it does is move the char a small amount from where they currently are to get them out of a tree or wall. Seems flawless so far!

06-04-2008, 10:08 AM
Yep, it's been on TGC since it was first posted and I have seen no problem with it.

06-26-2008, 06:24 PM
I saw in the change log that is says this code was added to the source, but when I try to run the command, it didn't say anything at all. I checked the source and it looks like it was in there, so I looked and it seems I hadn't updated the below file, since in Linux I moved the file to my server directory (source is all in my source directory). So, I made this update below and I think that should fix it. I haven't rebooted yet to confirm though.

patch_Titanium.conf (in your eqemu directory)

OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x385e # FNW Discovered on Feb 9, 2007
OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka: /rewind command

#bazaar trader stuff stuff:
#become and buy from

I will post here again if this doesn't work. But, I figured anyone running Linux and wanting to use the /rewind command might want to know that they have to make this change manually. You only need to make this change once though. If you move these files over every time you do a code update, then that should work too. I probably need to start doing that so I am not missing something lol.

On another note, the /rewind code should probably be added to the source in the /util/patch_Titanium.conf file so people can just move it over for the change to start working. I imagine it is a good idea to keep those files updated.

06-27-2008, 02:13 AM
patch_Titanium.conf (in your eqemu directory)

OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x385e # FNW Discovered on Feb 9, 2007
OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka: /rewind command

#bazaar trader stuff stuff:
#become and buy from

i did this but it says you must wait abit longer to use this command again.. every time you use it. and it don't rewind you

06-27-2008, 03:30 AM
That just means you must wait longer to use it! Keep in mind that if you are stuck, you can't move. The command will only work if you have been standing in 1 spot without moving at all for at least 30 seconds.

08-12-2008, 10:43 PM
The /rewind code is all in the source, but it appears that the opcode still isn't set in the most recent versions of the patch_Titanium.conf file that comes with the Official Downloads.

OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka: /rewind command

That line needs to be added for the /rewind command to start working. Hopefully this will be in the next source update. But, for the time being, anyone wanting to use it can easily add this line in. It doesn't require a compile, so this can be used with the source or binaries version of the download. It is a simple fix.

08-13-2008, 09:29 AM
The /rewind code is all in the source, but it appears that the opcode still isn't set in the most recent versions of the patch_Titanium.conf file that comes with the Official Downloads.

OP_Rewind=0x4cfa # Lieka: /rewind command

That line needs to be added for the /rewind command to start working. Hopefully this will be in the next source update. But, for the time being, anyone wanting to use it can easily add this line in. It doesn't require a compile, so this can be used with the source or binaries version of the download. It is a simple fix.

Will adding the OP_Rewind=0x4cfa to the patch_6.2.conf also work with that client?

08-13-2008, 09:32 AM
Will adding the OP_Rewind=0x4cfa to the patch_6.2.conf also work with that client?
No, the opcodes are different :mad:

08-13-2008, 09:53 AM
Just use /rewind with the 0.6.2 and watch your EQEmu logs, it'll spit out the opcode as an unknown.

08-13-2008, 01:34 PM
Just use /rewind with the 0.6.2 and watch your EQEmu logs, it'll spit out the opcode as an unknown.

And then just correct it in the .conf file with the correct one?

08-13-2008, 02:18 PM
Yep. Then, it should start working :) I'd do it myself, but I don't have a 0.6.2 client installed anymore, I'd have to dig up the DVD-R.

08-13-2008, 04:08 PM
If you are running a Linux Server, you can just CD to your Logs directory and then run this command:

tail -f *.* | grep Unknown

And then use /rewind in game and it should definitely show you what opcode was sent. If you find it, would you please post it so it can be added to the official source?

08-13-2008, 10:17 PM
Yep. Then, it should start working :) I'd do it myself, but I don't have a 0.6.2 client installed anymore, I'd have to dig up the DVD-R.

Hehe I am the other way, I only have the 6.2 client. When I find it I will post it for all. Server is down for the moment due to moving to a new home and waiting for the internet to be installed there.

BTW I run my server under windows.