View Full Version : EMU Admin Source Code?

06-26-2002, 11:06 AM
You ever plan on releasing the source for this?

06-26-2002, 08:20 PM
it has always been included in the zip. it just looks wierd cause its written in Delphi.

06-27-2002, 02:06 AM
Weird???? :confused:

You must have never heard of Object Pascal...eek. My condolences. :p


06-27-2002, 03:53 AM
I love delphi, and in fact got the code and was really hoping to help out but some of the required components are missing.. so, it doesnt compile :(( boo

Components I dont appear to have and it makes no mention as to which things you need to get to install them are:

ZTransact, ZMySqlTr, ZQuery, ZMySqlQuery, ZConnect,

The mySQL stuff I can imagine theres a set of components somewhere, but any ideas which???

06-27-2002, 05:04 AM
How typical is this - I find its Zeos's DB objects, but every last download link from his site is... 404 file not found


If someone has a working version of these components which compile up with the eqemu-admin project, pls, can you post em!! grovel!

06-27-2002, 05:25 AM
Wierd as opposed to *.cpp and *.h files =P

06-27-2002, 05:35 AM
Doing OK now, got the mySQL stuff, found a different URL.

All I cant get to work now is the registering of the sharedcombobox. I put it in a lib, the dbgridplus component registers, but not the combo box and .. arggghhhh

07-01-2002, 01:04 AM
Click Install Component fom the Delphi menu and choose the .PAS file when the popup box comes up. I installed it by putting the .PAS and .RES files in the lib folder. (did I include the RES file?)


07-01-2002, 02:01 AM
Hurrah. It compiled - Hmm, any reason why you make all the forms on startup not on need?

07-01-2002, 04:21 PM
It's the way Delphi works. It automatically makes the forms on startup (the VCL library does it).