View Full Version : Plane of Justice: Shera Banneth

06-23-2008, 11:02 PM
Another one....

# Name: Shera Banneth
# Zone: Plane of Justice
# Author: Andrew80k
if ($text =~ /Hail/i) {
quest::say("I dun wanna talk to anyone, go away! Dun ask me [why]!");
if ($text =~ /why/i) {
quest::say("My husband was Suili Banneth. He was a foul drunk of the worst sorts, never an 'onest day o' work in his life. Well I found a man worth my time so a lil hemlock in Suili's ale at night an he dinna wake up. I guess his family was upset aboot tha, so they petitioned ta sen' me 'ere.");

06-25-2008, 07:58 PM
Added all 3, thank you!