View Full Version : Compiles Warning Fix's

06-30-2008, 11:35 PM
[compile warning fixs]
eqlaunch projects build dir needs to be set like the others to be built
in the Build folder.
all projects need option error reporting queue for
next login /errorreport:queue.
eqlaunch projects options needs /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib
added to command line.
all projects besides eqlaunch need to have option generate manifest no.
-code changes-
In mmf.ccp remove all (return false) from code block #ifdef WIN32.
In HTTPSocket.cpp add (else return false;) below line 82 in code
block bool HTTPSocket::ProcessReceivedData(char *errbuf).
eqlaunch still has 226 warnings ive been playing with it i had
it down to 86 but it made the keep alive malfunction.
im pritty sure i can work out all the warnings and get EQEmu
to compile perfectly.

07-02-2008, 06:52 AM
all thow the warnings where fixed later bugs where found in code changes back to the drawing board.