View Full Version : Bit of zone code

09-05-2008, 03:23 PM
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I couldn't see a better place.

Please note the code below is not fully functional. It requires manual entries in the database and does not really do anything yet. I am posting this code incase someone else has a use for pieces of it, even though it is probably terrible code. I would also appreciate comments on what I should change, etc.

After messing around with zone instancing I have finally come to a road block.
Basically the problem I have run into is the current code seems to be setup to use the zone short name as the unique id. This causes a problem since that short_name can not be changed on a copied zone entry because the short name is also used to pull the map data (please correct me if I am wrong)

So anyhow, below is the code I have written so far. It basically only copies the zone information into a new zone table entry. When the server tries to load that new entry it crashes. The crash seems to be caused by two entries with the same short_name since in multiple places in the code the short name is used as the unique id instead of the zoneidnumber.

To get the code to semi function the instZflagNum and instZorgID must be manually filled along with the zone.insttype.
Character_.instZflagNum – pick any number higher then 1000
Zone.insttype – pick the zone you want to be instanced then set this to 1 or greater
Character_.instZflagNum – use the zoneidnumber of the zone you set insttype on.

Sorry my SQL and C++ are bad but here is an attempted diff. If someone is willing to write the true SQL commands for the below database changes I would be very grateful.

Required SQL
Zone table:
ADD insttype column: tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
Change PRIMARY KEY to zoneidnumber
Change UNIQUE KEY to zoneidnumber

Character_ table:
ADD instZflagNum column int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'
ADD instZOrgID column int(11) NOT NULL default '0'

Variables table
Insert into `variables`(`varname`,`value`,`information`,`ts`) values (curInstFlagNum','1000','Character:curInstFlagNum' ,'2008-09-05 04:46:47');

Rules_values table:
insert into `rule_values`(`ruleset_id`,`rule_name`,`rule_value `) values (0,'World:dfltInstZflag','1000')

Code changes (written on 7.0-1128 source)

Line 171 to Line 176
int8 GetInstType(int32 zoneid);
int32 GetCharInstFlagNum(int32 characterID);
int32 GetDfltInstZFlag();
int32 GetCharInstZOrgID(int32 characterID);
bool InstZoneLoaded(int32 target_zone_ID);
void LoadInstZone(int32 target_zone_ID, int32 InstFlagNum);

Line 1381 to line 1521 (basically append to the end of zonedb.cpp)

int8 ZoneDatabase::GetInstType(int32 zoneid) {
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT insttype FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber=%i", zoneid), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int8 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetInstType query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
int32 ZoneDatabase::GetCharInstFlagNum(int32 characterID){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT instZflagNum FROM character_ WHERE id=%i", characterID), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetCharInstFlag Numquery '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
int32 ZoneDatabase::GetDfltInstZFlag(){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT rule_value FROM rule_values WHERE rule_name = 'World:dfltInstZflag'"), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int32 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetDfltInstZFlag query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
int32 ZoneDatabase::GetCharInstZOrgID(int32 characterID){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT instZOrgID FROM character_ WHERE id=%i", characterID), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int32 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetInstType query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;

bool ZoneDatabase::InstZoneLoaded(int32 charInstFlagNum){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT zoneidnumber FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber=%i", charInstFlagNum), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
return true;
else if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 0) {
return false;

else {
cerr << "Error in isInstZoneLoad query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;

//Copies original zones information into a new zone entry replacing the old zoneidnumber with the instflagnum
void ZoneDatabase::LoadInstZone(int32 target_zone_ID, int32 InstFlagNum){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
int32 affected_rows = 0;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "INSERT INTO zone (short_name, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, zoneidnumber, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer) SELECT short_name, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, %i, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber =%i", InstFlagNum, target_zone_ID), errbuf, 0, &affected_rows)){
else {
cerr << "Error in LoadInstZone query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;

Line 123 to line 157

//Prelim Instance zone code
int32 characterID = database.GetCharacterID(zc->char_name);
//Checks if the zone can be instanced, character has a instance flag, and
//that the character is not zoning into an instance that is already loaded
if((database.GetInstType(target_zone_id) == 1)&
(database.GetCharInstFlagNum(characterID) >= database.GetDfltInstZFlag())&
(target_zone_id != database.GetCharInstFlagNum(characterID)))
int32 charInstFlagNum = database.GetCharInstFlagNum(characterID);
int32 charInstZOrgID = database.GetCharInstZOrgID(characterID);

// Does character's instance flag match the zone he/she is trying to access
if(charInstZOrgID != target_zone_id)
Message(13, "No access flag to target instanced zone.");
SendZoneCancel(zc); // zoning.cpp line 130
// Of instance flag matches then...
if(charInstZOrgID == target_zone_id)
//If instance zone is not in database then it is copied to database
database.LoadInstZone(target_zone_id, charInstFlagNum);
target_zone_id = charInstFlagNum;
zc->zoneID = charInstFlagNum;
target_zone_id = charInstFlagNum;
zc->zoneID = charInstFlagNum;

09-05-2008, 11:27 PM
The way you zone into an instance is to use the instance ID, instead of the short zonename. Each instance is tagged as zoneshortname_zoneid_instanceid. The /zone command accepts the zone shortname, zone id, or instance id as parameters.

I'm not sure how the instance ID is calculated. But using '/zone instanceid' allows you to zone into an instance that you're not assigned to. This is where the /adventure command came into play; it listed all of the LDON adventures that were active on the server, the time the instance started, how many seconds until it shut down, the owner of the instance, and the other members that were in the group at the time the instance was requested. Later instancing may be using another method though and is not tracked by /adventure.

09-06-2008, 04:05 PM
Sorry if this comes across rude, I honestly don’t mean it rudely. I don’t think I understand your post. Are you saying there is code already written that allows for instancing? Or is this a way you think instancing would work?

On a different note. Can someone move this post? The more I think about the less I think it belongs in Server Code Submissions. Development:Development or Development::Feature Requests are probable better places.

Also, can someone point me to where the code loads the map data and where the code sends the zonename to the client? The reason I am wanting those is because I think the shortname problem may be solved by:

Adding the zoneidnumber or access flag number onto the shortname for any instances zones
Then temporarily removing the zoneidnumber from the shortname when it is passed to the function that loads map data. The same would probably need done to the function that sends the zonename to the client. Actually anytime the shortname is called to reference other data this would need done. But the map data and client packet would be a good start.

Another thing is LoadZoneNames() in database.cpp will need reran each time a instanced zone is added/removed to/from the database.

Any thoughts?

09-06-2008, 09:51 PM
No worries, I don't think I was clear what I was getting at. I was pointing out how instancing worked on Live, not the emulator. Right now, the emulator has no instancing of any kind.

I was getting at how you might be able to go about getting the client to zone into an instanced zone, once instancing is up and operational. If the way this is done is deciphered, it might make custom zones possible via the /zone command, via /zone instanceid...

My comment was more of a side note, and I apologize I wasn't more clear.

09-09-2008, 04:41 PM
Well I have zone instancing semi functional. I say semi because it needs tested. I only had a few minutes at lunch to test it but I was able to zone into different instances of the same zone. I will try to get a diff posted tonight. Though it may take awhile to complete the diff. Unless does anyone know an easy way to get a code diff aside from copy/paste?
I probably should have kept track of my changes but alot of them were trial and error.

09-10-2008, 05:08 AM
This code enables zone instancing (still needs work though)

Though it still requires a sql command to copy the zone information over, if you don't want to crash your server each time a zone gets added.

So here is how it works (run required SQL commands before doing this :))
Select a zone you want to instance
Set that zone's insttype to 1
Select a character you want to access that zone
Set that character's
instZflagNum to a number greater than 1000
instZOrgID to the zoneID of the zone you picked
Run the following query

INSERT INTO zone (short_name, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, zoneidnumber, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer) SELECT NEWZONESHORTNAME, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, instFlagNum, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber = target_zone_ID)

replace NEWZONESHORTNAME with instZflagNum + shortname (see example)
replace instFlagNum with the instflagnum you chose
replace target_zone_id with the zone you chose to instance

zone character into the zone you picked.
rinse and repeat with second character changing the instZflagNum

K, here is my example
I want to instance blackburrow (has a zoneid of 17
I set blackburrow's insttype to 1 in the zone table
I want my toon MonkGod to access an instance of blackburrow
I set MonkGod's
instZflagNum to 1001
instZOrgID to 17

Run the following query

INSERT INTO zone (short_name, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, zoneidnumber, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer) SELECT 1001blackburrow, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, 1001, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber = 17)

I replaced NEWZONESHORTNAME with 1001blackburrow
I replaced instFlagNum 1001
I replaced target_zone_id 17

I then repeat these step with Aries, my other character.
changing the instZflagNum to 1002

I doubt that made any sense but hopefully we can get the zone to be copied when the toon zones without it crashing the server. Currently the zone info gets copied to the database but the server crashes. With some tweaking all that would be required is a quest command that sets a characters InstZflagNum and instZOrgID.

Anyhow here is the required changes. This was done against 1129 using PEQ database.
Please let me know what bugs you notice.

Required SQL
ALTER TABLE `zone` ADD column `insttype` tinyint (1) zerofill unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER table character_ ADD column `instZflagNum` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER table character_ ADD column `instZOrgID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0';
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('curInstFlagNum', 1000, 'Character:curInstFlagNum', '2008-09-05 04:46:47');
INSERT INTO rule_values VALUES (0,'World:dfltInstZflag',1000);

Near Line 482
if(GetZoneID() == ztz->current_zone_id) // this is a request from the egress zone
zlog(WORLD__ZONE,"Processing ZTZ for egress from zone for client %s\n", ztz->name);

ztz->admin < 80 &&
ztz->ignorerestrictions < 2 &&
ztz->response = 0;

ztz->requested_zone_id = database.GetInstZoneID(ztz->requested_zone_id, ztz->name);
ZoneServer *ingress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(ztz->requested_zone_id);
if(ingress_server) // found a zone already running
_log(WORLD__ZONE,"Found a zone already booted for %s\n", ztz->name);
ztz->response = 1;
else // need to boot one
int server_id;
ztz->requested_zone_id = database.GetInstZoneID(ztz->requested_zone_id, ztz->name);
if ((server_id = zoneserver_list.TriggerBootup(ztz->requested_zone_id))){
_log(WORLD__ZONE,"Successfully booted a zone for %s\n", ztz->name);
// bootup successful, ready to rock
ztz->response = 1;
ingress_server = zoneserver_list.FindByID(server_id);

Line 644 EnterWorld(bool TryBootup)

void Client::EnterWorld(bool TryBootup) {
//int16 zone_port;
//char zone_address[255];
if (zoneID == 0)
zoneID = database.GetInstZoneID(zoneID, GetCharName());
ZoneServer* zs = zoneserver_list.FindByZoneID(zoneID);
const char *zone_name=database.GetZoneName(zoneID, true);

Please note this code will crash your server if the zone is not already in your database
Line 125

//Checks if the zone can be instanced, character has a instance flag, and
//that the character is not zoning into an instance that is already loaded
if(database.GetInstType(target_zone_id) == 1){
int32 characterID = database.GetCharacterID(zc->char_name);
int32 instFlagNum = database.GetCharInstFlagNum(characterID);
if(instFlagNum >= database.GetDfltInstZFlag())
if (target_zone_id != database.GetCharInstFlagNum(characterID)){
int32 charInstZOrgID = database.GetCharInstZOrgID(characterID);
// Does character's instance flag match the zone he/she is trying to access
if(charInstZOrgID != target_zone_id)
Message(13, "No access flag to target instanced zone.");
SendZoneCancel(zc); // zoning.cpp line 130
// If instance flag matches then...
if(charInstZOrgID == target_zone_id)
//If instance zone is not in database then it is copied to database
if(!database.InstZoneLoaded(instFlagNum)) {
database.LoadInstZone(target_zone_id, instFlagNum);
target_zone_id = instFlagNum;

Near Line 181

int32 GetDfltInstZFlag();

Near Line 197

int32 GetInstZoneID(int32 zoneID, const char* charName);

Near Line 202

int32 GetCharInstFlagNum(int32 charID);

Near Line 203

int32 GetCharInstZOrgID(int32 charID);

Line 1173 Replace Database::GetZoneName with

const char* Database::GetZoneName(int32 zoneID, bool ErrorUnknown) {
if (zonename_array == 0) {
if (ErrorUnknown)
return "UNKNOWN";
return 0;
if (zoneID <= max_zonename) {
if (zonename_array[zoneID])
if (zoneID > GetDfltInstZFlag())
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT instZOrgID FROM character_ WHERE instZflagNum=%i", zoneID), errbuf, &result)) {
if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int8 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return zonename_array[tmp];
cerr << "Error in instZOrgID query in database.cpp GetZoneName'" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return zonename_array[zoneID];
else {
if (ErrorUnknown)
return "UNKNOWN";
return 0;

if (ErrorUnknown)
return "UNKNOWN";
return 0;

Line: End of database.cpp

int32 Database::GetDfltInstZFlag(){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT rule_value FROM rule_values WHERE rule_name = 'World:dfltInstZflag'"), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int32 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetDfltInstZFlag query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
int32 Database::GetCharInstFlagNum(int32 charID){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT instZflagNum FROM character_ WHERE id=%i", charID), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;
else {
cerr << "Error in GetCharInstFlag Numquery '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;

int32 Database::GetCharInstZOrgID(int32 charID){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT instZOrgID FROM character_ WHERE id=%i", charID), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int32 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;

else {
cerr << "Error in GetInstType query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
int32 Database::GetInstZoneID(int32 zoneID, const char* charName) {
if (zoneID == 0)
return 0;
int32 charID = GetCharacterID(charName);
if (zoneID == GetCharInstZOrgID(charID))
zoneID = GetCharInstFlagNum(charID);
return zoneID;
return (zoneID);


#include <string>
#include <sstream>

Append to the end Zonedb.cpp

int32 ZoneDatabase::GetInstType(int32 zoneid) {
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT insttype FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber=%i", zoneid), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
int8 tmp = atoi(row[0]);
return tmp;


else {
cerr << "Error in GetInstType query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;
bool ZoneDatabase::InstZoneLoaded(int32 charInstFlagNum){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "SELECT zoneidnumber FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber=%i", charInstFlagNum), errbuf, &result))
if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 1) {
return true;
else if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 0) {
return false;

else {
cerr << "Error in isInstZoneLoad query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;
return 0;

//Copies original zones information into a new zone entry replacing the old zoneidnumber with the instflagnum
void ZoneDatabase::LoadInstZone(int32 target_zone_ID, int32 instFlagNum){
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char *query = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
int32 affected_rows = 0;
string tmpzonename = database.GetZoneName(target_zone_ID);
string temp;
const char* temp2;
stringstream tmpFlag; // used for converting int32 instFlagNum to a string

tmpFlag << instFlagNum;
temp = tmpFlag.str();
temp2 = temp.c_str();

if (RunQuery(query, MakeAnyLenString(&query, "INSERT INTO zone (short_name, file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, zoneidnumber, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer) SELECT '%s', file_name, long_name, safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, graveyard_id, min_level, min_status, %i, timezone, maxclients, weather, note, underworld, minclip, maxclip, fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue, fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier, walkspeed, time_type, fog_red1, fog_green1, fog_blue1, fog_minclip1, fog_maxclip1, fog_red2, fog_green2, fog_blue2, fog_minclip2, fog_maxclip2, fog_red3, fog_green3, fog_blue3, fog_minclip3, fog_maxclip3, fog_red4, fog_green4, fog_blue4, fog_minclip4, fog_maxclip4, flag_needed, canbind, cancombat, canlevitate, castoutdoor, insttype, insttimer FROM zone WHERE zoneidnumber =%i", temp2,instFlagNum,target_zone_ID), errbuf, 0, &affected_rows)){
// Reloads zone names since one was added
else {
cerr << "Error in LoadInstZone query '" << query << "' " << errbuf << endl;

Line 169 at the end of Zone Related

int32 GetInstType(int32 zoneid);
bool InstZoneLoaded(int32 target_zone_ID);
void LoadInstZone(int32 target_zone_ID, int32 InstFlagNum);