View Full Version : Submission: AA Ding Message

09-22-2008, 08:55 AM
Hello... this is my first change, and although it is a small one, it's always bothered me since I started playing on EQEmu! The way it is now, the message that you get ALWAYS says "You have gained an ability point! You now have 1 points" regardless of how many AA's you have banked.

In the zone server, in exp.cpp, line 196 reads:

Message_StringID(15,GAIN_ABILITY_POINT,ConvertArra y(gained, val1),"(s)");

And should instead read:

Message_StringID(15,GAIN_ABILITY_POINT,ConvertArra y(m_pp.aapoints, val1),"(s)");

This has been tested.

Thx =)