View Full Version : Item Icons...

07-06-2002, 12:46 PM
Ok here is another mini prob thats on my back burner

Item selected is 5500 "SSoY"
$itemIcon = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($row[0],182,1)));

Item Editor 3.4 give the Icon Value of 1170
EQ Admin 2.6 gives the Icon Value of 1170

Yet i am ending up with 146 witch is a 1024 difference

i thought i could just add that in but first i wanted to check other items to make sure it was getting a consistant gap but I wasnt

I looked at Golden Leaf Breastplate item number 31113
Item Editor 3.4 give the Icon Value of 624
EQ Admin 2.6 gives the Icon Value of 624

and my editor gives 112 that is a 512 difference

what did i do wrong on extracting the item icon dec value?

07-06-2002, 04:49 PM
I havent looked at the Icon Value, but if I had to guess, I'd say you were not using a enough bit values.

The Icon number is a uint16, so Im guessing you need the values from 0182+0183.

It would be something like this
value(0182)+ (value(0183)*256)

You are only yanking only one place with substr, i think you need to nab the next bit too and add it onto the value.

If you notice,

1170 dec is 492 hex
146 dec is 92 hex

624 dec is 270 hex
112 dec is 70 hex

You're losing the leading digit somehow.