View Full Version : hometown KOS

07-20-2002, 08:13 AM
It mostly seems to be Guard Brookrock of Kelethin but I keep getting KOS'd by guards. I can not figure out why. Kelethin is my home town and the character is lvl 1, so has not had enough time to change factions by that much.

I also get killed if I try to sell to merchents. At least I Think I am being killed. I get disconected.

I am using 3.4 with the starter db from elsewhere in this post. I am however loging in by bouncing through the EQEmu's login.

I saw a simular hometown guards going kos problem mentioned elsewhere in this board. I think it was in conection with drawde's db. If this is not the same db then as the starter then could the problem be in the server?:(

08-06-2002, 06:46 AM
Weird errors..

I was on someones server and I tried to talk to a merchant and it disconnected me.. it didn't kill you.
Thats the ONLY time it's happened to me so it might be drawde's db because alot of people are using lurkers lately.

For the hometown KOS.. thats a faction problem.. I haven't had a problem with that lately.. it might be drawde's mess up again..

Not sure, but i'd suggest lurkers db.
- Lurkers Site (http://home.earthlink.net/~dpuch/misc/)