View Full Version : Please Help with Bots / Raids etc

07-27-2009, 06:48 PM
Hey all,

First off let me start off by saying I love the game, you have done a great job with it and keep up the great work :)

I have a few questions and please don't think I am a noob

I have been tinkering around with the #bot raid ALOT and been having alot of fun with it but I ran into an issue yesterday that fubared alot of my game up and hopefully you can help me figure out why

I was setting up a full bot raid to kill Derakor The Vindicator in Kael for fun hehe had everything setup like I wanted and did the #bot saveraid it saved, then I #save my character, logged out, logged back in and did the #bot spawnraid and it spawned a previously saved raid that i had earlier in the week when i did a 2 group raid and didn't load my recent saved raid and I lost everything I did my question is why ? do you think it's the save itself or maybe the #bot spawnraid is buggy .. anyone have issues ?

also it would be a great help if you could tell me where the #bot raid saves are located so if I decide to remake a raid with my bots I just delete the saves and start fresh. I wanna make a massive bot raid soon and hate to get it all done and find that it didnt save the raid and I lose all that work

so if you could tell me where the #bot saveraid data is stored I would GREATLY appreciate it Thanks ! :)

Keep up the great work .. look forward to seeing more and more added :)

thanks !

07-28-2009, 10:23 AM
the bot raid groups are saved in the database table botgroups.
when you run the saveraid command the first thing that happens is the old raid is deleted, then the new raid is saved. If you ended up with an old raid then you must be having some kind of database connection issues cuz the old one wasn't deleted AND the new one wasn't saved. Are you using at least svn774 for your bots source code? Older versions might be a problem. There might be error messages in your log files that might help.

07-28-2009, 05:36 PM
Thanks Cong for the response !

I play on my friends private server so I'll ask him

also noticed last night that after he wiped all the bots in the database from the botlist .. the name is still staying behind can ya tell me where those are saved so I can get rid of the old bot names? thanks so much for the help . .I am having a blast with your game it rocks :)

07-28-2009, 07:07 PM
Did you check the npc_types table? Pretty sure the names are only stored there.

07-28-2009, 07:12 PM
you could always run this query to make sure the bots are gone from the npc_types table "DELETE FROM `npc_types` WHERE isbot = '1'"

07-28-2009, 09:44 PM
Thanks everyone for your replys

gonna check on this now :)