View Full Version : Color Coded Rarities

07-28-2009, 12:39 PM
Im not sure if the client supports it or not, but using the current code; Would it be possible to add a section in that would give us the ability to change the Color of the Text on Items? Sort of like the systems you find in eq2/wow/diablo?
My other question is would the client be able to support an extra field in the items table that would display comments (similar to the lore field) but doesnt require a player to have mq2 or use "identify" on it to see it?

Sry im not the greatest with C++ yet, and im quite unsure of how far the current client will let us go

:) thx for the responses

07-28-2009, 06:18 PM
not bad ideas, but odds are the color coating wont happen..

07-29-2009, 04:24 AM
As far as item stats and colors go, what you see now is what you get. At best, you may be able to change the font color for all fonts on your item stat windows with UI settings, but certainly not for individual items or item types. And, you definitely cannot add special comments on items other than what you can already see, but you may be able to use the new item speaking quest script stuff to have items send a message to the chat window. I haven't used it yet, so I don't know how it works, but it may do something close enough to what you are wanting for that.

07-29-2009, 04:29 AM
You could always have code that would add (Epic), (Legendary), (Rare), (Common), etc to the end of the item name... but then again you don't really need code for that =)