View Full Version : Mana regen

10-30-2009, 08:23 AM
What method is being used for bot mana regen? I've tried changing the BotManaRegen rule and creating/giving them mana regen items, but nothing seems to work. Its like they are not following PC or NPC rules. The bots are constantly running themselves OOM with buffs/debuffs, heals and nukes. I've removed a few of the spells they are casting but it still is not enough.

Also to note. My Ranger bot stops fighting and sits down to med in the middle of battle. Bad ranger bad.

10-31-2009, 12:35 AM
I think that bot mana regen is suppose to be similar to a players mana regen on live so about 15-20/tick base. Not exactly sure what bonues are built into the calculations but I would imagine gear is or will be taken into effect.

This became a problem for me and my friend on the server we run so to combat that issue I altered the source code and increased the bots base mana regen. That might not be the ideal way to handle the issue but it certainly works.

10-31-2009, 03:37 AM
Ya I wish there was was an easier way. Made another item with worn effect Voice of Intuition Rk. III.

1: Increase Mana Pool by 520
2: Increase Mana by 26 per tick
3: Increase INT by 42
4: Increase WIS by 42

Mana pool went up, Int went up and Wis went up. No go on mana regen. And for those wondering, the mana pool went up well beyond the extra INT/WIS. So its the 520 + (42 INT/WIS Calc).

Flowing Thought X isn't working either.

10-31-2009, 01:06 PM
Bot stat calculations are far from perfect. They need some work. I really didn't do much more than import it straight from the legacy EQBOTS code.

10-31-2009, 02:26 PM
the rule BotManaRegen should work for you. 3.0 is about the same as players and 1.0 is the fastest possible. anywhere between 1.0 and 3.0 should work.

Also try changing the value in Character:ManaRegenMultiplier too. Higher numbers are faster mana.

10-31-2009, 05:22 PM
Changing the BotManaRegen value lower made a big difference. I was taking it up which slowed it to a crawl. Thanks for the info on that.