View Full Version : Guild Invite Bot

11-21-2009, 01:32 AM
Here is a simple script I came up with to allow an NPC to invite players into a guild when they hail and talk to him. Good for small servers with one guild that holds all the players.

#Written By : Cubber
#Quest Name: Guild Invite Bot
#Date: 11-21-2009
quest::say("Hello there $name, would you like to join the [Guild]?");
elsif ($text=~/Guild/i)
quest::say("Ahh yes the Guild! It is the greatest guild in all the land...
All of the most revered adventures in Norrath join it! Besides the many benefits that being in a guild has to offer,
it also allows members to keep in touch with each other easily.");

quest::say("Tell me $race, are you [interested]?");
elsif ($text=~/Interested/i)
quest::say("Welcome to the guild $name!");


11-28-2009, 12:28 PM
This script could easily be modified to support multiple guilds on the server.

instead of using this line for a one guild setup:

elsif ($text=~/Interested/i)
quest::say("Welcome to the guild $name!");

You could modify it for each guild like so:

elsif ($text=~/Guild1/i)
quest::say("Welcome to the guild $name!");

elsif ($text=~/Guild2/i)
quest::say("Welcome to the guild $name!");

elsif ($text=~/Guild3/i)
quest::say("Welcome to the guild $name!");

and so on... Of course you would have to change the intro text to support the new guild names.

the quest::setguild(x,y); command uses the "x" value as the guild ID on the server, which you can find with the GM command #guilds list. The "y" value is the guild status so 0 is member, 1 is officer. You probably want to keep the "y" value as 0 since the bot is auto-inviting members.