View Full Version : plugin::moelib_spawn_block, plugin::moelib_spawn_circle

06-09-2010, 12:40 PM
hey guys,

i made a little snipet to spawn blocks and circles... the spawn block cant be rotated yet, but i wanna add that soon aswell..

#moelib_spawn_block(npctypeid, fromx, tox, fromy, toy, space, zposition=20, heading=0, grid=0)
sub moelib_spawn_block {
my $npctypeid = $_[0];
my $fromx = $_[1];
my $tox = $_[2];
my $fromy = $_[3];
my $toy = $_[4];
my $space = $_[5];
my $z = $_[6] || 20;
my $heading = $_[7] || 0;
my $grid = $_[8] || 0;
my $count = 0;
for ($x = $fromx; $x <= $tox; $x += $space) {
for ($y = $fromy; $y <= $toy; $y += $space) {
quest::spawn2($npctypeid,$grid,0,($x), ($y), $z,$heading);
return $count;

#moelib_spawn_block_center(npctypeid, centerx, centery, range, amount, zposition=20, heading=0, grid=0)
sub moelib_spawn_block_center {
my $npctypeid = $_[0];
my $centerx = $_[1];
my $centery = $_[2];
my $range = $_[3];
my $amount = $_[4];
my $z = $_[5] || 20;
my $heading = $_[6] || 0;
my $grid = $_[7] || 0;
my $fromx = $centerx-$range;
my $fromy = $centery-$range;
my $tox = $centerx+$range;
my $toy = $centery+$range;
my $size = $range*2;
my $space = $size / sqrt($amount);
$fromx += ($space / 2);
$fromy += ($space / 2);
return spawn_block($npctypeid, $fromx, $tox, $fromy, $toy, $space, $z, $heading, $grid);

#moelib_spawn_circle(npctypeid, centerx, centery, radius, amount, zposition=20, heading=0, grid=0)
sub moelib_spawn_circle {
my $npctypeid = $_[0];
my $centerx = $_[1];
my $centery = $_[2];
my $radius = $_[3];
my $amount = $_[4];
my $z = $_[5] || 20;
my $heading = $_[6] || 0;
my $grid = $_[7] || 0;

my $a = (2*3.14159)/$amount;
for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
$x = int(cos($a*$i)*$radius) + ($centerx - ($radius / 2));
$y = int(sin($a*$i)*$radius) + ($centery - ($radius / 2));
quest::spawn2($npctypeid, $grid, 0, ($x), ($y), $z, $heading);

return 1;

06-09-2010, 12:44 PM
wtf am i stupid? wrong forum?! -.-'

06-12-2010, 09:32 AM
thanks for moving

06-12-2010, 09:36 AM
moelib_spawn_block_center wont work like this, i forgot to change the RETURN line