View Full Version : Quest Scripting Questions

09-25-2002, 07:52 AM
I'm working on scipting some NPCs in arena for my server, which is like the central zone I want people to hang around in when not fighting. What I want to do is put an 'Arenamaster' in each town, so when you start the game, you go to the arena master and he zones the player to arena. Heres my script, i'm only missing the zone command. I looked in WesQuests.cpp and didn't see a function to zone a player so im not sure if its possible.

SAY:Hail traveller! I am the arena master. It is my duty to see that traellers such as yourself make a safe journey to the arena. Do you wish to [visit the arena]?

TRIGGER_TEXT:visit the arena:{
SAY:Very well then, off you go!
EMOTE:Teleports %CHARNAME% to the arena.

My second question is for the FLAG_ACCOUNT function. When used, it only gives GM status to players. I want to make quests like eros had where you must earn privlidges on my server. So you start with no privledges, then you do a quest to gain #GOTO, #ZONE, etc etc. Now, I have set up my ini file so that #GOTO is rated at 10, #ZONE at 20 and so on so that players can step up gradually. Is it possible to have a npc modify an account status? Eros had it but im not sure how it was done.

A quest might look like this...

SAY:Outstanding work %CHARNAME%. You are worthy of my first secret of travel. To teleport to a different location within the area you are exploring, use #GOTO Xcoord Ycoord Zcoord.

But... FLAG_ACCOUNT only gives GM status, not 10... is there a way to implement this?

Thanks, i hope i can get this working and open my server up. Id love to have some people try my other regular quests i've made.

09-27-2002, 09:14 AM
Nobody has any idea about my question eh?

Ok, does anyone know how to put a robe graphic on a npc using EQAdmin?

Second, is it possible to make NPCs cast group spells on you? (translocate?)


09-27-2002, 09:16 AM
there where some proggies floating arroudn that made scripting easy.

not sure if they changed the format on the quests..might wanna lookinto it

09-30-2002, 04:12 AM
Dont know answer to your question, but i have one myself, how do we know what mob the quest will come from? as in is there a number that goes with a certain mob? cause i am in the process of making a quest, but i dont know where it will take place or anything yet lol.

09-30-2002, 06:01 AM
Stormgod created a small program to make creating quest scripts easy, don't know if it still works, but heres the thread to it.


09-30-2002, 06:06 AM
Target a mob and type #npcstats or #showstats forget which.

one of the above will list that NPC's ID aka the number you use after NPC_SCRIPT (and to name the file)