View Full Version : CharBrowser 2.1 for Bots

10-28-2010, 12:11 PM
I have added the ability to use CharBrowser for Bots, using PEQ and the built in Bots system. Maudigan asked that I post the changes in the forums because it won't be added to the stock download, but anyone can add these files if access to bots is wanted. (I couldn't get the code to work on his forums within the Code Tags). This was done for a personal server, so permissions may need to be addressed, if for some reason you wouldn't want players to see other's bots.

When viewing a character's profile, there's a new link labeled Bots that takes you to the list of that character's bots. Select the bot's name, and you will be taken to their profile. The buttons on the left still act as if you are viewing the character, as right now, you can't view their skills, etc. The profile button at the top takes you back to the Character's profile.

I think these are the only files I changed. If you have any problems, post here to let me know. Thanks!


/************************************************** *************************
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Portions of this program are derived from publicly licensed software
* projects including, but not limited to phpBB, Magelo Clone,
* EQEmulator, EQEditor, and Allakhazam Clone.
* Author:
* Maudigan(Airwalking) & Bad_Captain
************************************************** *************************/

define('INCHARBROWSER', true);

$start = (($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : "0");
$orderby = (($_GET['orderby']) ? $_GET['orderby'] : "name");
$direction = (($_GET['direction']=="DESC") ? "DESC" : "ASC");
$char = $_GET['char'];
$name = $_GET['name'];
$guild = $_GET['guild'];

//build baselink

//security for injection attacks
if (!IsAlphaSpace($char)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NAME_ALPHA']);
if (!IsAlphaSpace($name)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NAME_ALPHA']);
if (!IsAlphaSpace($guild)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_GUILD_ALPHA']);
if (!IsAlphaSpace($orderby)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_ORDER_ALPHA']);
if (!is_numeric($start)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_START_NUMERIC']);

$select = "SELECT character_.name AS charname, bots.class, bots.botlevel, bots.name, guilds.name AS guildname
FROM bots
LEFT JOIN character_
ON character_.id = bots.botownercharacterid
LEFT JOIN guild_members
ON character_.id = guild_members.char_id
LEFT JOIN guilds
ON guilds.id = guild_members.guild_id ";

$where = "";
$divider = "WHERE ";
if ($char) {
$where .= $divider."character_.name LIKE '%".str_replace("_", "%", str_replace(" ","%",$char))."%'";
$divider = "AND ";
if ($name) {
$where .= $divider."bots.name LIKE '%".str_replace("_", "%", str_replace(" ","%",$name))."%'";
$divider = "AND ";
if ($guild) {
$where .= $divider."guilds.name LIKE '%".str_replace("_", "%", str_replace(" ","%",$guild))."%'";
$divider = "AND ";

$query = $select.$where;
$results = mysql_query($query);
$totalbots = mysql_num_rows($results);
if (!$totalbots) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NO_RESULTS']);

$query = $select.$where."ORDER BY $orderby $direction LIMIT $start, $numToDisplay;";
$results = mysql_query($query);

//drop page
$d_title = " - ".$language['PAGE_TITLES_SEARCH'];

//build body template
'body' => 'searchbots_body.tpl')

'ORDER_LINK' => $baselink."&start=$start&direction=".(($direction=="ASC") ? "DESC":"ASC"),
'PAGINATION' => generate_pagination("$baselink&orderby=$orderby&direction=$direction", $totalbots, $numToDisplay, $start, true),
'L_RESULTS' => $language['SEARCH_RESULTS'],
'L_NAME' => $language['SEARCH_NAME'],
'L_LEVEL' => $language['SEARCH_LEVEL'],
'L_CLASS' => $language['SEARCH_CLASS'],
'L_DONE' => $language['BUTTON_DONE'],
'CHARNAME' => $char,)

if(mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$template->assign_block_vars("characters", array(
'CLASS' => $dbclassnames[$row["class"]],
'LEVEL' => $row["botlevel"],
'NAME' => $row["name"],
'CHARNAME' => $row["charname"],
'GUILD_NAME' => (($row["guildname"]) ? "&lt;".$row["guildname"]."&gt;":"") )


//dump footer



/************************************************** *************************
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Portions of this program are derived from publicly licensed software
* projects including, but not limited to phpBB, Magelo Clone,
* EQEmulator, EQEditor, and Allakhazam Clone.
* Author:
* Maudigan(Airwalking) & Bad_Captain
************************************************** *************************/

define('INCHARBROWSER', true);

//if character name isnt provided post error message and exit
if(!$_GET['bot']) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NO_BOT']);
else $bot = $_GET['bot'];

if(!$_GET['char']) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NO_CHAR']);
else $char = $_GET['char'];

//security against sql injection
if (!IsAlphaSpace($bot)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NAME_ALPHA']);
if (!IsAlphaSpace($char)) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NAME_ALPHA']);

// pull the characters ID and profile from the database
$results = mysql_query("SELECT botid from bots where name='$bot' limit 1;");
if (!($row = mysql_fetch_array($results))) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_NO_FIND']);
$botID = $row['botid'];
$charID = $row['botownercharacterid'];
$bot = new botprofile;

// pull the characters ID and profile from the database
$charprof = new profile;
$mypermission = GetPermissions($charprof->GetValue('gm'), $charprof->GetValue('anon'));

//block view if user level doesnt have permission
if ($mypermission['inventory']) message_die($language['MESSAGE_ERROR'],$language['MESSAGE_ITEM_NO_VIEW']);

//load profile information for the character
$name = $bot->name();
$last_name = $bot->last_name();
$ownername = $char;
$level = $bot->level();
$baseSTR = $bot->baseSTR();
$baseSTA = $bot->baseSTA();
$baseAGI = $bot->baseAGI();
$baseDEX = $bot->baseDEX();
$baseWIS = $bot->baseWIS();
$baseINT = $bot->baseINT();
$baseCHA = $bot->baseCHA();
$defense = $bot->defense();
$offense = $bot->offense();
$race = $bot->race();
$botclass = $bot->botclass();
$guild_id = $bot->guildid();

//load guild name
if ($guild_id) {
$results = mysql_query("SELECT name from guilds where id = ".$guild_id." LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$guild_name = "&lt;".$row['name']."&gt;";

//place where all the items stats are added up
$itemstats = new stats();

//holds all of the items and info about them
$allitems = array();

// pull characters inventory slotid is loaded as
// "myslot" since items table also has a slotid field.
$results = mysql_query("SELECT items.*, botinventory.augslot1, botinventory.augslot2, botinventory.augslot3, botinventory.augslot4, botinventory.augslot5, botinventory.slotid AS myslot from items, botinventory where botinventory.botid = '$botID' AND items.id = botinventory.itemid;");
// loop through inventory results saving Name, Icon, and preload HTML for each
// item to be pasted into its respective div later
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$tempitem = new item($row);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
if ($row["augslot".$i]) {
$augresults = mysql_query("SELECT * from items where id = ".$row["augslot".$i]." LIMIT 1");
$augrow = mysql_fetch_array($augresults);

if ($tempitem->type() == EQUIPMENT)

if ($tempitem->type() == EQUIPMENT || $tempitem->type() == INVENTORY)

$allitems[$tempitem->slot()] = $tempitem;

//drop page
$d_title = " - ".$name.$language['PAGE_TITLES_BOT'];

//build body template
'bot' => 'bot_body.tpl')

'HIGHLIGHT_GM' => (($highlightgm && $gm)? "GM":""),
'REGEN' => $itemstats->regen(),
'FT' => $itemstats->FT(),
'DS' => $itemstats->DS(),
'HASTE' => $itemstats->haste(),
'FIRST_NAME' => $ownername,
'BOTNAME' => $name,
'LAST_NAME' => $last_name,
'GUILD_NAME' => $guild_name,
'LEVEL' => $level,
'CLASS' => $dbclassnames[$botclass],
'CLASS_NUM' => $botclass,
'HP' => GetMaxHP($level,$botclass,($baseSTA+$itemstats->STA()),$itemstats->hp()),
'MANA' => GetMaxMana($level,$botclass,($baseINT+$itemstats->INT()),($baseWIS+$itemstats->WIS()),+$itemstats->mana()),
'ENDR' => GetMaxEndurance(($baseSTR+$itemstats->STR()),($baseSTA+$itemstats->STA()),($baseDEX+$itemstats->DEX()),($baseAGI+$itemstats->AGI()),$level,$itemstats->endurance()),
'AC' => GetMaxAC(($baseAGI+$itemstats->AGI()), $level, $defense, $botclass, $itemstats->AC(), $race),
'ATK' => GetMaxAtk($itemstats->attack(), ($baseSTR+$itemstats->STR()), $offense),
'STR' => ($baseSTR+$itemstats->STR()),
'STA' => ($baseSTA+$itemstats->STA()),
'DEX' => ($baseDEX+$itemstats->DEX()),
'AGI' => ($baseAGI+$itemstats->AGI()),
'INT' => ($baseINT+$itemstats->INT()),
'WIS' => ($baseWIS+$itemstats->WIS()),
'CHA' => ($baseCHA+$itemstats->CHA()),
'POISON' => (PRbyRace($race)+$PRbyClass[$botclass]+$itemstats->PR()),
'FIRE' => (FRbyRace($race)+$FRbyClass[$botclass]+$itemstats->FR()),
'MAGIC' => (MRbyRace($race)+$MRbyClass[$botclass]+$itemstats->MR()),
'DISEASE' => (DRbyRace($race)+$DRbyClass[$botclass]+$itemstats->DR()),
'COLD' => (CRbyRace($race)+$CRbyClass[$botclass]+$itemstats->CR()),
'WEIGHT' => round($itemstats->WT()/10),

'L_REGEN' => $language['CHAR_REGEN'],
'L_FT' => $language['CHAR_FT'],
'L_DS' => $language['CHAR_DS'],
'L_HASTE' => $language['CHAR_HASTE'],
'L_HP' => $language['CHAR_HP'],
'L_MANA' => $language['CHAR_MANA'],
'L_ENDR' => $language['CHAR_ENDR'],
'L_AC' => $language['CHAR_AC'],
'L_ATK' => $language['CHAR_ATK'],
'L_STR' => $language['CHAR_STR'],
'L_STA' => $language['CHAR_STA'],
'L_DEX' => $language['CHAR_DEX'],
'L_AGI' => $language['CHAR_AGI'],
'L_INT' => $language['CHAR_INT'],
'L_WIS' => $language['CHAR_WIS'],
'L_CHA' => $language['CHAR_CHA'],
'L_POISON' => $language['CHAR_POISON'],
'L_MAGIC' => $language['CHAR_MAGIC'],
'L_DISEASE' => $language['CHAR_DISEASE'],
'L_FIRE' => $language['CHAR_FIRE'],
'L_COLD' => $language['CHAR_COLD'],
'L_WEIGHT' => $language['CHAR_WEIGHT'],
'L_AAS' => $language['BUTTON_AAS'],
'L_FLAGS' => $language['BUTTON_FLAGS'],
'L_SKILLS' => $language['BUTTON_SKILLS'],
'L_CORPSE' => $language['BUTTON_CORPSE'],
'L_FACTION' => $language['BUTTON_FACTION'],
'L_BOTS' => $language['BUTTON_BOTS'],
'L_DONE' => $language['BUTTON_DONE'])

//dump inventory items ICONS
foreach ($allitems as $value) {
if ($value->type() == INVENTORY && $mypermission['bags']) continue;
if ($value->type() == EQUIPMENT || $value->type() == INVENTORY)
$template->assign_block_vars("invitem", array(
'SLOT' => $value->slot(),
'ICON' => $value->icon(),
'ISBAG' => (($value->slotcount() > 0) ? "true":"false"))

//dump items WINDWOS
foreach ($allitems as $value) {
if ($value->type() == INVENTORY && $mypermission['bags']) continue;
if ($value->type() == BANK && $mypermission['bank']) continue;
$template->assign_block_vars("item", array(
'SLOT' => $value->slot(),
'NAME' => $value->name(),
'ID' => $value->id(),
'HTML' => $value->html())
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $value->augcount() ; $i++ ) {
$template->assign_block_vars("item.augment", array(
'AUG_NAME' => $value->augname($i),
'AUG_ID' => $value->augid($i),
'AUG_HTML' => $value->aughtml($i))






/************************************************** *************************
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Portions of this program are derived from publicly licensed software
* projects including, but not limited to phpBB, Magelo Clone,
* EQEmulator, EQEditor, and Allakhazam Clone.
* Author:
* Maudigan(Airwalking) & Bad_Captain
************************************************** *************************/

if ( !defined('INCHARBROWSER') )
die("Hacking attempt");

// Edit the 'Profile' of the bot
class botprofile {

// Variables
var $account_id;
var $char_id;
var $bot_id;
var $name;
var $last_name;
var $ownername;
var $level;
var $baseSTR;
var $baseSTA;
var $baseAGI;
var $baseDEX;
var $baseWIS;
var $baseINT;
var $baseCHA;
var $race;
var $botclass;
var $offense;
var $defense;
var $guild_id;

// Return Account ID
function accountid(){
return $this->account_id;

// Return char ID
function charid(){
return $this->char_id;

// Return bot ID
function botid(){
return $this->bot_id;

// Return name
function name(){
return $this->name;

// Return lastname
function last_name(){
return $this->last_name;

// Return ownername
function ownername(){
return $this->ownername;

// Return level
function level(){
return $this->level;

// Return baseSTR
function baseSTR(){
return $this->baseSTR;

// Return baseSTA
function baseSTA(){
return $this->baseSTA;

// Return baseAGI
function baseAGI(){
return $this->baseAGI;

// Return baseDEX
function baseDEX(){
return $this->baseDEX;

// Return baseWIS
function baseWIS(){
return $this->baseWIS;

// Return baseINT
function baseINT(){
return $this->baseINT;

// Return baseCHA
function baseCHA(){
return $this->baseCHA;

// Return race
function race(){
return $this->race;

// Return class
function botclass(){
return $this->botclass;

// Return offense
function offense(){
return $this->offense;

// Return defense
function defense(){
return $this->defense;

// Return guild_id
function guildid(){
return $this->guild_id;

// Load Profile
function LoadBotProfile($id){

$Query = sprintf("SELECT bots.*, botguildmembers.guild_id, character_.name FROM `bots` LEFT JOIN `character_` ON bots.botownercharacterid = character_.id LEFT JOIN `botguildmembers` ON bots.botid = botguildmembers.char_id WHERE bots.botid = '%d'", mysql_real_escape_string($id));
$QueryResult = mysql_query($Query) or message_die('botprofile.php',$Query,mysql_error()) ;
if(mysql_num_rows($QueryResult) != 0){
$row = mysql_fetch_array($QueryResult);
$this->account_id = $row['account_id'];
$this->char_id = $row['BotOwnerCharacterID'];
$this->bot_id = $id;
$this->name = $row['Name'];
$this->last_name = $row['LastName'];
$this->ownername = $row['first_name'];
$this->level = $row['BotLevel'];
$this->baseSTR = $row['STR'];
$this->baseSTA = $row['STA'];
$this->baseAGI = $row['AGI'];
$this->baseDEX = $row['DEX'];
$this->baseWIS = $row['WIS'];
$this->baseINT = $row['_INT'];
$this->baseCHA = $row['CHA'];
$this->race = $row['Race'];
$this->botclass = $row['Class'];
$this->offense = $row['ATK'];
$this->defense = $row['AC'];
$this->guild_id = $row['guild_id'];






<div class='FlagOuter'>
<div class='FlagTitle'>
<div class='FlagTitleLeft'></div>
<div class='FlagTitleMid'>{L_RESULTS}</div>
<div class='FlagTitleRight'></div>
<div class='FlagInner'>
<table class='StatTable' style='width:90%;'>
<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=name" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_NAME}</a></td>
<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=guildname" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_GUILD}</a></td>
<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=level" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_LEVEL}</a></td>
<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=class" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_CLASS}</a></td>
<!-- BEGIN characters -->
<td><a href="bot.php?char={characters.CHARNAME}&bot={characters.NAME}">{characters.NAME}</a></td>
<!-- END characters -->
<tr><td align='center'><div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='character.php?char={CHARNAME}';">{L_DONE}</div></td></tr>


<script type="text/javascript">

function display(type, id, prefix) {
if (target = document.getElementById(prefix + id))
if (type) target.style.display = (target.style.display == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
else {
for(var i=0; i < 2190; i++) if (hideme = document.getElementById(prefix + i)) hideme.style.display = 'none';
target.style.display = 'block';
<div class='NavOuter'>
<div class='NavInner'>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='character.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_INVENTORY}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='aas.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_AAS}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='flags.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_FLAGS}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='skills.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_SKILLS}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='corpse.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_CORPSE}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='factions.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_FACTION}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='charmove.php?char={FIRST_NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_CHARMOVE}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='searchbots.php?char={FIRST_NAME}' ;" style="margin:3px">{L_BOTS}</div>
<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.external.AddFavorite(location.href, document.title);" style="margin:3px">{L_BOOKMARK}</div>
<td width='200px' align='right'>
<td width='460px' align='center'>
<div class='IventoryOuter{HIGHLIGHT_GM}'>
<div class='IventoryTitle'>
<div class='IventoryTitleLeft'></div>
<div class='IventoryTitleMid'>{L_HEADER_INVENTORY}</div>
<div class='IventoryTitleRight'></div>
<div class='InventoryInner'>

<div class='InventoryStats2'>
<table class='StatTable'>
<td nowrap>

<div class='InventoryStats'>
<table class='StatTable'>
<tr><td colspan='2'>{BOTNAME}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='2' style='height: 3px'></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='2'>{LEVEL} {CLASS}<br>{DEITY}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='2' style='height: 3px'></td></tr>
<td width='100%'>{HP}<br>{MANA}<br>{ENDR}<br>{AC}<br>{ATK}</td>
<tr><td class='Divider' colspan='2'></td></tr>
<td width='100%'>{STR}<br>{STA}<br>{AGI}<br>{DEX}</td>
<tr><td class='Divider' colspan='2'></td></tr>
<td width='100%'>{WIS}<br>{INT}<br>{CHA}</td>
<tr><td class='Divider' colspan='2'></td></tr>
<tr><td class='Divider' colspan='2'></td></tr>
<td nowrap>{WEIGHT} / {STR}</td>

<div class='InventoryMonogram'><img src='images/monograms/{CLASS_NUM}.gif'></div>

<div class="Slot slotloc0 slotimage0"></div>
<div class="Slot slotloc1 slotimage1"></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc2 slotimage2'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc3 slotimage3'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc4 slotimage4'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc5 slotimage5'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc6 slotimage6'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc7 slotimage7'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc8 slotimage8'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc9 slotimage9'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc10 slotimage10'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc11 slotimage11'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc12 slotimage12'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc13 slotimage13'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc14 slotimage14'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc15 slotimage15'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc16 slotimage16'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc17 slotimage17'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc18 slotimage18'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc19 slotimage19'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc20 slotimage20'></div>
<div class='Slot slotloc21 slotimage21'></div>

<!-- BEGIN invitem -->
<div onclick="display(0, {invitem.SLOT}, 'slot');if ({invitem.ISBAG}) display(0, {invitem.SLOT}, 'bag');" class='Slot slotloc{invitem.SLOT}' style='background-image: url(images/items/item_{invitem.ICON}.gif);'></div>
<!-- END invitem -->
<td width='200px' align='left'>
<td colspan='3' align='center'>
<!-- BEGIN item -->
<div class='ItemOuter' id='slot{item.SLOT}' style='display:none;'>
<div class='ItemTitle'>
<div class='ItemTitleLeft'></div>
<div class='ItemTitleMid'><a href='http://mqemulator.net/item.php?id={item.ID}'>{item.NAME}</a></div>
<div class='ItemTitleRight'></div>
<div class='ItemInner' style='text-align:left;'>
<!-- BEGIN augment -->
<table class='AugTable'>
<td align='center'>
<a href='http://mqemulator.net/item.php?id={item.augment.AUG_ID}'>{item.augment.AUG_NAME}</a>
<td align='left'>
<!-- END augment -->
<!-- END item -->

There are also a couple of other changes that need to be made to some of the other files, mostly for the links to the bots page.



$language['BUTTON_BOTS'] = "Bots";


<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='searchbots.php?char={NAME}';" style="margin:3px">{L_BOTS}</div>

(I put this button just above 'add favorites')


'L_BOTS' => $language['BUTTON_BOTS']

(within $template->assign_vars(array( )))

10-30-2010, 08:14 PM
Thanks for this!

One small correction.

You mention creating /bots.php but /templates/searchbots_body.tpl references bot.php

10-30-2010, 08:55 PM
Also, to make the main profile page work correctly you need to add this into the
(within $template->assign_vars(array( ))) in the character.php file.

'NAME' => $name,

10-30-2010, 08:57 PM

Order by level isn't working. Haven't taken the time to figure out why.

10-30-2010, 10:57 PM
Yes, sorry, it should be bot.php. I was doing this at work and forgot to double check. I guess I never did really test the order by level, as all of mine are the same level. I'll try and figure this one out. I'm sure I messed up the select statement somewhere. Thanks for the heads up!

10-30-2010, 11:02 PM
Had a sec to look at it. This line in searchbots_body.tpl

<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=level" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_LEVEL}</a></td>

Should be

<td width='25%' class='ColumnHead'><a href="{ORDER_LINK}&orderby=botlevel" style='color:#8aa3ff ;'>{L_LEVEL}</a></td>

10-31-2010, 12:35 AM
Interesting. While all of my bots were lvl 65, when I specified no character, it showed all bots on my server. I have a few lvl 51 for another character, and the sort worked fine in that instance. Maybe it was going by character level instead of bot level. In any case, I'm glad that is working.

I am still not sure what wasn't working on the profile page that required 'NAME' => $name, to be added. Could you elaborate? Thanks. I sometimes miss a change here or there when trying to sync files up between home and work, so I'm not sure if it's something I fixed another way, or what, but I don't seem to need that in there.

10-31-2010, 08:49 AM
the 'NAME' => $name thing is needed or the char= isn't being populated when you click on the bots link from the main profile page so you see the bots for everyone on the server.

10-31-2010, 10:02 AM
Okay, I was wondering why I couldn't find it.. I had changed it to use the FIRST_NAME that was already there.. On the character_body.tpl, I used this instead of {NAME}

<div class='FreeButton' onclick="window.location='searchbots.php?char={FIRST_NAME}' ;" style="margin:3px">{L_BOTS}</div>

Next time I will just go ahead and make diffs. I just miss too much when I try to just pull out everything I changed. Thanks for the heads up.

11-01-2010, 10:42 AM
PHP Fatal error: Class 'botprofile' not found in /characters/include/botprofile.php on line 50

Curious if i'm the only one with this problem. I can pull the list of bots no problem, but when i go to view the bot i just get a blank screen. After looking at profile.php it looks like there should be something similiar to

class profile {

// Variables
var $profile;
var $account_id;
var $char_id;

from profile.php.

any ideas?

11-01-2010, 11:12 AM
in the botprofile.php listed above, after the INCHARBROWSER check, is this line:

class botprofile {

is that in your file?

Does bot.php have include_once("include/botprofile.php"); in it?

11-01-2010, 11:15 AM
After looking, I think you may be naming the files wrong. The file name is above the code listed. i.e. I think your botprofile.php is actually what I have as bot.php. Line 50 from bot.php is: $bot = new botprofile;

Just rename the files, and it should work.

11-01-2010, 11:24 AM
Damn copy and paste anyways. Thanks i think that will fix me up

11-02-2010, 09:56 PM
This is maudigan. I thanked him elsewhere for this, but thought I would take the time to visit here and thank him in front of everyone.


If/When this gets all stable and someone gives me a go for it, I'll package this up and add it next to the 2.1 download as a mod script.

I really hadn't planned on doing another charbrowser build because i'm working on its replacement, but between bad captain, and gaeorn it looks like i'm going to have to do a little update.