View Full Version : Destroy Player Corpse quest file.

07-20-2011, 11:53 PM
I created a NPC and dropped this script on it to let players handle destroying a bugged corpse that will not go away.

my $CorpseCount = 0;
my $charid = $client->CharacterID();
if($text=~/hail/i) {
$client->Message(15,"I can [bury a corpse] or [destroy a corpse] that you have unburied.");
} else {
$CorpseCount = COUNT_CORPSES();
if($text eq "destroy a corpse") {
if($CorpseCount == 1) {
$client->Message(15,'You have '.$CorpseCount.' corpse in the zone, are you certain you wish to [destroy this corpse]? Be very certain that you have the correct corpse unburied. A GM WILL NOT be able to undo this action. If not, I can [bury the corpse] for you.');
} elsif($CorpseCount > 1) {
$client->Message(15,'You have '.$CorpseCount.' corpses in the zone. I am unabled to read your mind, so would you like to [bury a corpse] instead?');
} else {
$client->Message(13,"You have no unburied corpses, begone.");
if($text eq "bury a corpse" || $text eq "bury the corpse") {
if($CorpseCount > 0) {
$client->Message(15,"Very well, burying one of your corpses now.");
} else {
$client->Message(13,"You have no unburied corpses, begone.");
if(defined($qglobals{dest_corpse}) && $qglobals{dest_corpse} == 1 && $text eq "destroy this corpse" && $CorpseCount == 1) {
my $response = int(rand(1000)) + 1000;
$client->Message(14,'To confirm you really wish to destroy this corpse, please say ['.$response.'].');
if(defined($qglobals{dest_corpse}) && $qglobals{dest_corpse} == $text && $CorpseCount == 1) {
$client->Message(13,"Confirmed, I am now destroying your corpse.");
my $corpse = $entity_list->GetCorpseByOwner($client);
$client->Message(1,'You have served your purpose '.$corpse->GetOwnerName().'\'s corpse, now begone');
$client->Message(15,"Your corpse has been destroyed beyond any means of recovery.");

my @corpse_list = $entity_list->GetCorpseList();
my $count = 0;
foreach $corpse_found (@corpse_list) {
if ($corpse_found->GetOwnerName() eq $client->GetName()) {