View Full Version : Everquest patched on 9/19

09-24-2012, 10:27 AM

Live patched on 9/19 and now when I try to extract packets, it tells me it's the wrong version of the client. How do I get the patch files (the .cs and .conf) updated so that I can use the extractor again?

09-24-2012, 11:34 AM
save this file as patch_August15-2012.conf overwrite the older file
it's telling you need to save as pcap file
this has alot more opcodes added

# OPCodes not used by EQExtractor2 are most likely not correct.
# ShowEQ Import Notes:
# perl -pi -e 's/0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/0x0000/g' opcodes.conf
# Unknown Mapping:
# OP_Action2 -> OP_Damage
# OP_EnvDamage -> OP_Damage ---> might have been a one time mistake
# Name Differences:
# OP_CancelInvite -> OP_GroupCancelInvite
# OP_GMFind -> OP_FindPersonRequest
# OP_CommonMessage -> OP_ChannelMessage

OP_ExploreUnknown=0x0000 # used for unknown explorer

# V = Verified correct
# C = Most likely correct
# U = Unsure, but should be correct or close

# world packets
# Required to reach Char Select:
OP_SendLoginInfo=0x292f #
OP_ApproveWorld=0x303e #
OP_LogServer=0x73d6 #
OP_SendCharInfo=0x3237 #
OP_ExpansionInfo=0x3ea8 #
OP_GuildsList=0x5f00 #
OP_EnterWorld=0x7d90 #
OP_PostEnterWorld=0x6757 #
OP_World_Client_CRC1=0x0000 #
OP_World_Client_CRC2=0x0000 #
OP_SendSpellChecksum=0x0000 #
OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum=0x0000 #

# Character Select Related:
OP_SendMaxCharacters=0x564d #
OP_SendMembership=0xc #
OP_DeleteCharacter=0x0000 #
OP_CharacterCreateRequest=0x0000 #
OP_CharacterCreate=0x0000 #
OP_RandomNameGenerator=0x0000 #
OP_ApproveName=0x0000 #

OP_MOTD=0x3eec #
OP_SetChatServer=0x0000 #
OP_SetChatServer2=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneServerInfo=0x0000 #
OP_WorldComplete=0x0000 #
OP_WorldUnknown001=0x0000 #
OP_FloatListThing=0x0000 #

# Reasons for Disconnect:
OP_ZoneUnavail=0x0000 #
OP_WorldClientReady=0x0000 #
OP_CharacterStillInZone=0x0000 #
OP_WorldChecksumFailure=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLoginFailed=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLogout=0x0000 #
OP_WorldLevelTooHigh=0x0000 #
OP_CharInacessable=0x0000 #
OP_UserCompInfo=0x0000 #
# OP_SendExeChecksum=0x0000 #
# OP_SendBaseDataChecksum=0x0000 #

# Zone in opcodes
OP_AckPacket=0x3594 #
OP_ZoneEntry=0x4938 #
OP_ReqNewZone=0x0000 #
OP_NewZone=0x3401 #
OP_ZoneSpawns=0x0000 #
OP_PlayerProfile=0x078e #
OP_TimeOfDay=0x6015 #
OP_LevelUpdate=0x2d41 #
OP_Stamina=0x0f4f #
OP_RequestClientZoneChange=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneChange=0x0000 #

OP_LockoutTimerInfo=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneServerReady=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneInUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_LogoutReply=0x0000 #
OP_PreLogoutReply=0x0000 #

# Required to fully log in
OP_SpawnAppearance=0x2b5a #
OP_ChangeSize=0x0000 #
OP_TributeUpdate=0x5a8c #
OP_TributeTimer=0x0000 #
OP_TaskDescription=0x47ea #
OP_TaskActivity=0x2d25 #
OP_CompletedTasks=0x488b #
OP_Weather=0x0000 #
OP_SendAATable=0x40e8 #
OP_UpdateAA=0x0000 #
OP_RespondAA=0x0000 #
OP_ReqClientSpawn=0x0000 #
OP_SpawnDoor=0x0e71 #
OP_GroundSpawn=0x6618 #
OP_SendZonepoints=0x0c54 #
OP_SendAAStats=0x0000 #
OP_WorldObjectsSent=0x0000 #
OP_BlockedBuffs=0x0000 #
OP_RemoveBlockedBuffs=0x0000 #
OP_ClearBlockedBuffs=0x0000 #
OP_SendExpZonein=0x0000 #
OP_SendTributes=0x0000 #
OP_TributeInfo=0x0000 #
OP_SendGuildTributes=0x0000 #
OP_AAExpUpdate=0x0507 #
OP_ExpUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_HPUpdate=0x7c94 #
OP_ManaChange=0x1b8a #
OP_TGB=0x5448 #
OP_SpecialMesg=0x512b #
OP_GuildMemberList=0x51da #
OP_GuildMOTD=0x42ef #
OP_CharInventory=0x0000 #
OP_WearChange=0x0000 #
OP_ClientUpdate=0x7062 #
OP_ClientReady=0x1272 #
OP_SetServerFilter=0x0000 #

# Guild Opcodes
OP_GetGuildMOTD=0x712b #
OP_GetGuildMOTDReply=0x0000 #
OP_GuildMemberUpdate=0x457d #
OP_GuildInvite=0x0000 #
OP_GuildRemove=0x0000 #
OP_GuildPeace=0x0000 #
OP_SetGuildMOTD=0x0000 #
OP_GuildList=0x0000 #
OP_GuildWar=0x0000 #
OP_GuildLeader=0x0000 #
OP_GuildDelete=0x0000 #
OP_GuildInviteAccept=0x0000 #
OP_GuildDemote=0x0000 #
OP_GuildPublicNote=0x0000 #
OP_GuildManageBanker=0x0000 #
OP_GuildBank=0x55f4 #
OP_SetGuildRank=0x0000 #
OP_GuildUpdateURLAndChannel=0x0000 #
OP_GuildMemberLevelUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneGuildList=0x0000 #
OP_GetGuildsList=0x0000 #
OP_GuildStatus=0x0000 #
OP_GuildCreate=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageRemove=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageAdd=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildManageStatus=0x0000 #

# GM/guide opcodes
OP_GMServers=0x0000 #
OP_GMBecomeNPC=0x0000 #
OP_GMZoneRequest=0x0000 #
OP_GMZoneRequest2=0x0000 #
OP_GMGoto=0x0000 #
OP_GMSearchCorpse=0x0000 #
OP_GMHideMe=0x0000 #
OP_GMDelCorpse=0x0000 #
OP_GMApproval=0x0000 #
OP_GMToggle=0x0000 #
OP_GMSummon=0x0000 #
OP_GMEmoteZone=0x0000 #
OP_GMEmoteWorld=0x0000 #
OP_GMFind=0x0000 #
OP_GMKick=0x0000 #
OP_GMKill=0x0000 #
OP_GMNameChange=0x0000 #
OP_GMLastName=0x0000 #

OP_InspectAnswer=0x570c #
OP_BeginCast=0x0d5a #
OP_BuffFadeMsg=0x2917 #
OP_ConsentResponse=0x647a #
OP_MemorizeSpell=0x1dad #
OP_SwapSpell=0x86c7 #
OP_CastSpell=0x3887 #
OP_Consider=0x7705 #
OP_FormattedMessage=0x50d0 #
OP_SimpleMessage=0x7092 #
OP_Buff=0x0000 #
OP_Illusion=0x5f25 #
OP_MoneyOnCorpse=0x49b8 #
OP_RandomReply=0x3d06 #
OP_DenyResponse=0x7e45 #
OP_SkillUpdate=0x436a #
OP_GMTrainSkillConfirm=0x0000 #
OP_RandomReq=0x072f #
OP_Death=0x0402 #
OP_Bind_Wound=0x0000 #
OP_GMTraining=0x0000 #
OP_GMEndTraining=0x0000 #
OP_GMTrainSkill=0x0000 #
OP_Animation=0x28c8 #
OP_Begging=0x0000 #
OP_Consent=0x6bb9 #
OP_ConsentDeny=0x19a8 #
OP_AutoFire=0x0000 #
OP_PetCommands=0x0000 #
OP_DeleteSpell=0x0000 #
OP_Surname=0x0000 #
OP_ClearSurname=0x0000 #
OP_FaceChange=0x0000 #
OP_SenseHeading=0x0000 #
OP_Action=0x49b6 #
OP_ConsiderCorpse=0x4675 #
OP_HideCorpse=0x0000 #
OP_CorpseDrag=0x0000 #
OP_CorpseDrop=0x0000 #
OP_Bug=0x0000 #
OP_Feedback=0x24c5 #
OP_Report=0x0000 #
OP_Damage=0x0000 #
OP_ChannelMessage=0x0000 #
OP_Assist=0x0000 #
OP_AssistGroup=0x0000 #
OP_MoveCoin=0x0000 #
OP_ZonePlayerToBind=0x0000 #
OP_KeyRing=0x0000 #
OP_WhoAllRequest=0x7f51 #
OP_WhoAllResponse=0x7901 #
OP_FriendsWho=0x0000 #
OP_ConfirmDelete=0x0000 #
OP_Logout=0x0000 #
OP_Rewind=0x0000 #
OP_TargetCommand=0x0000 #
OP_InspectRequest=0x13da #
OP_Hide=0x0000 #
OP_Jump=0x3519 #
OP_Camp=0x0000 #
OP_Emote=0x58c5 #
OP_SetRunMode=0x63ad #
OP_BankerChange=0x0000 #
OP_TargetMouse=0x4885 #
OP_MobHealth=0x0000 #
OP_InitialMobHealth=0x0000 #
OP_TargetHoTT=0x0000 #
OP_TargetBuffs=0x0000 #
OP_BuffCreate=0x0000 #
OP_BuffRemoveRequest=0x0000 #
OP_DeleteSpawn=0x4b82 #
OP_AutoAttack=0x6dee #
OP_AutoAttack2=0x777c #
OP_Consume=0x0000 #
OP_MoveItem=0x0d1d #
OP_DeleteItem=0x0000 #
OP_DeleteCharge=0x0000 #
OP_ItemPacket=0x38b0 #
OP_ItemLinkResponse=0x58d9 #
OP_ItemLinkClick=0x3c66 #
OP_NewSpawn=0x0000 #
OP_Track=0x0c2d #
OP_TrackTarget=0x0000 #
OP_TrackUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_ClickDoor=0x3969 #
OP_MoveDoor=0x7b05 #
OP_RemoveAllDoors=0x0000 #
OP_EnvDamage=0x5ca5 #
OP_BoardBoat=0x0000 #
OP_Forage=0x0000 #
OP_LeaveBoat=0x0000 #
OP_ControlBoat=0x0000 #
OP_SafeFallSuccess=0x0000 #
OP_RezzComplete=0x0000 #
OP_RezzRequest=0x0000 #
OP_RezzAnswer=0x0000 #
OP_Shielding=0x0000 #
OP_RequestDuel=0x0000 #
OP_MobRename=0x0000 #
OP_AugmentItem=0x0000 #
OP_WeaponEquip1=0x0000 #
OP_WeaponEquip2=0x0000 #
OP_WeaponUnequip2=0x0000 #
OP_ApplyPoison=0x0000 #
OP_Save=0x0000 #
OP_TestBuff=0x0000 #
OP_CustomTitles=0x1e4c #
OP_Split=0x0000 #
OP_YellForHelp=0x0000 #
OP_LoadSpellSet=0x0000 #
OP_Bandolier=0x0000 #
OP_PotionBelt=0x0000 #
OP_DuelResponse=0x0000 #
OP_DuelResponse2=0x0000 #
OP_SaveOnZoneReq=0x0000 #
OP_ReadBook=0x0000 #
OP_Dye=0x0000 #
OP_InterruptCast=0x0000 #
OP_AAAction=0x0000 #
OP_LeadershipExpToggle=0x0000 #
OP_LeadershipExpUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_PurchaseLeadershipAA=0x0000 #
OP_UpdateLeadershipAA=0x0000 #
OP_MarkNPC=0x0000 #
OP_ClearNPCMarks=0x0000 #
OP_DoGroupLeadershipAbility=0x0000 #
OP_GroupLeadershipAAUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_DelegateAbility=0x0000 #
OP_SetGroupTarget=0x0000 #
OP_Charm=0x0000 #
OP_Stun=0x0000 #
OP_SendFindableNPCs=0x6c36 #
OP_FindPersonRequest=0x0000 #
OP_FindPersonReply=0x0000 #
OP_Sound=0x0000 #
OP_PetBuffWindow=0x0000 #
OP_LevelAppearance=0x0000 #
OP_Translocate=0x0000 #
OP_Sacrifice=0x0000 #
OP_PopupResponse=0x0000 #
OP_OnLevelMessage=0x0000 #
OP_AugmentInfo=0x0000 #
OP_Petition=0x0000 #
OP_SomeItemPacketMaybe=0x0000 #
OP_PVPStats=0x0000 #
OP_PVPLeaderBoardRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PVPLeaderBoardReply=0x0000 #
OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PVPLeaderBoardDetailsReply=0x0000 #
OP_RestState=0x0000 #
OP_RespawnWindow=0x0000 #
OP_DisciplineTimer=0x0000 #
OP_LDoNButton=0x0000 #
OP_SetStartCity=0x0000 #
OP_VoiceMacroIn=0x0000 #
OP_VoiceMacroOut=0x0000 #
OP_ItemViewUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_VetRewardsAvaliable=0x0000 #
OP_VetClaimRequest=0x0000 #
OP_VetClaimReply=0x0000 #
OP_CrystalCountUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_DisciplineUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_BecomeCorpse=0x0000 #
OP_Action2=0x2c8f #
OP_MobUpdate=0x68da #
OP_NPCMoveUpdate=0x226b #
OP_CameraEffect=0x0000 #
OP_SpellEffect=0x0000 #
OP_RemoveNimbusEffect=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrency=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencyMerchantRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencyMerchantReply=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencyPurchase=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencySell=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencySellSelection=0x0000 #
OP_AltCurrencyReclaim=0x0000 #
OP_CrystalReclaim=0x0000 #
OP_CrystalCreate=0x0000 #
OP_Untargetable=0x0000 #
OP_IncreaseStats=0x0000 #

OP_DzQuit=0x0000 #
OP_DzListTimers=0x0000 #
OP_DzAddPlayer=0x0000 #
OP_DzRemovePlayer=0x0000 #
OP_DzSwapPlayer=0x0000 #
OP_DzMakeLeader=0x0000 #
OP_DzPlayerList=0x0000 #
OP_DzJoinExpeditionConfirm=0x0000 #
OP_DzJoinExpeditionReply=0x0000 #
OP_DzExpeditionInfo=0x0000 #
OP_DzMemberStatus=0x0000 #
OP_DzLeaderStatus=0x0000 #
OP_DzExpeditionEndsWarning=0x0000 #
OP_DzExpeditionList=0x0000 #
OP_DzMemberList=0x0000 #
OP_DzCompass=0x0000 #
OP_DzChooseZone=0x0000 #

# New Opcodes
OP_SpawnPositionUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_ManaUpdate=0x5851 #
OP_EnduranceUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_MobManaUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_MobEnduranceUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_DzSwitchInfo=0x189b #
OP_DzInfo=0x6840 #
OP_DzMembers=0x7a1c #
OP_NpcMoveUpdate=0x226b #
OP_MovementHistory=0x1d3f #
OP_Shroud=0x77b1 #
OP_ShroudProgression=0x5232 #
OP_ShroudTemplates=0x1d51 #
OP_SpawnRename=0x4a18 #
OP_SpawnUpdate=0x3c02 #
OP_RemoveSpawn=0x1044 #
OP_CommonMessage=02e79 #
OP_LeaderExpUpdate=0x153a #
OP_UIUpdate=0xa682 #
OP_EndUpdate=0x3365 #
OP_Marketplace=0x4025 #
OP_MarketplaceSelect=0x2a8e #
OP_Campfire=0x5aac #
OP_SelectCampfire=0x7545 #
OP_Claims=0x2d95 #
OP_VoiceChat=0x27ac #
OP_PollQuestions=0x6d76 #
OP_PollResponses=0x54fe #
OP_Fellowship=0x584f #
OP_ExpandedGuildInfo=0x7adb #
OP_OpenTradeskillContainer=0x442b #
OP_TradeskillRecipes=0x66bf #
OP_TradeSkillResult=0x1150 #
OP_TradeSkillCombineOld=0x462e #
OP_ItemPlayerPacket=0x5ed3 #
OP_TradeRequest2=0x3ff6 #
OP_TradeDeny=0x440f #
OP_TradeCoins2=0x606a #
OP_Lockouts=0x268c #
OP_MercenaryList=0x5a0a #
OP_ClickInventory=0x178x #
OP_ClickInventoryAck=0x2b19 #
OP_BuffWindow=0x7ce4 #
OP_ClickBuffOff=0x5d24 #
OP_HouseAddress=0x02fc #
OP_HouseContents=0x24f5 #
OP_FriendsList=0x469c #
OP_FriendsOnline=0x6555 #
OP_Rewards=0x2ef5 #
OP_FTPNags=0x4044 #
OP_Find=0x6c36 #
OP_GroupDisband=0x019f #
OP_GroupDisband2=0x6a9b #
OP_GroupLeader=0x3671 #
OP_GroupMemberList=0x1aae #
OP_WelcomeScreenURL=0x564d #
OP_Unknown1=0x4d27 #
OP_Unknown2=0x190c #
OP_Unknown3=0x25f0 #

# Looting
OP_LootRequest=0x4074 #
OP_EndLootRequest=0x7165 #
OP_LootItem=0x0976 #
OP_LootComplete=0x0000 #

# bazaar trader stuff stuff:
OP_BazaarSearch=0x55dd #
OP_TraderDelItem=0x3672 #
OP_BecomeTrader=0x0000 #
P_TraderShop=0xd849 #
OP_Trader=0x0000 #
OP_TraderBuy=0x0736 #
OP_Barter=0x0000 #
OP_ShopItem=0x0000 #
OP_BazaarInspect=0x0000 #
OP_Bazaar=0x0000 #
OP_TraderItemUpdate=0x0000 #

# pc/npc trading
OP_TradeRequest=0x1d40 #
OP_TradeAcceptClick=0x527e #
OP_TradeRequestAck=0x3c27 #
OP_TradeCoins=0x7452 #
OP_FinishTrade=0x24c5 #
OP_CancelTrade=0x3aff #
OP_TradeMoneyUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_MoneyUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_TradeBusy=0x0000 #

# Sent after canceling trade or after closing tradeskill object
OP_FinishWindow=0x0000 #
OP_FinishWindow2=0x0000 #

# Sent on Live for what seems to be item existance verification
# Ex. Before Right Click Effect happens from items
OP_ItemVerifyRequest=0x0000 #
OP_ItemVerifyReply=0x0000 #

# merchant crap
OP_ShopPlayerSell=0x0000 #
OP_ShopRequest=0x5f0d #
OP_ShopEnd=0x537c #
OP_ShopEndConfirm=0x0000 #
OP_ShopPlayerBuy=0x0000 #
OP_ShopDelItem=0x0000 #

# tradeskill stuff:
OP_ClickObject=0x5c85 #
OP_ClickObjectAction=0x0000 #
OP_ClearObject=0x0000 #
OP_RecipeDetails=0x0000 #
OP_RecipesFavorite=0x0000 #
OP_RecipesSearch=0x0000 #
OP_RecipeReply=0x0000 #
OP_RecipeAutoCombine=0x0000 #
OP_TradeSkillCombine=0x5033 #

# Tribute Packets:
OP_OpenGuildTributeMaster=0x0000 #
OP_OpenTributeMaster=0x0000 #
OP_SelectTribute=0x0000 #
OP_TributeItem=0x0000 #
OP_TributeMoney=0x0000 #
OP_TributeToggle=0x0000 #
OP_TributePointUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_TributeNPC=0x0000 #
OP_GuildTributeInfo=0x0000 #
OP_OpenTributeReply=0x0000 #
# OP_GuildTributeStatus=0x0000 #

# Adventure packets:
OP_LeaveAdventure=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureFinish=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureInfoRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureInfo=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureDetails=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureData=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureMerchantRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureMerchantResponse=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureMerchantPurchase=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureMerchantSell=0x0000 #
OP_AdventurePointsUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureStatsRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureStatsReply=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureLeaderboardRequest=0x0000 #
OP_AdventureLeaderboardReply=0x0000 #

# Group Opcodes
OP_GroupDisband=0x019f #
OP_GroupInvite=0x710e #
OP_GroupFollow=0xofd3 #
OP_GroupUpdate=0x321a #
OP_GroupUpdateB=0x0000 #
OP_GroupCancelInvite=0x083b #
OP_GroupAcknowledge=0x0000 #
OP_GroupDelete=0x0000 #
OP_CancelInvite=0x0000 #
OP_GroupFollow2=0x6364 #
OP_GroupInvite2=0x6c16 #
OP_GroupDisbandYou=0x0000 #
OP_GroupDisbandOther=0x0000 #
OP_GroupLeaderChange=0x0000 #
OP_GroupRoles=0x0000 #

# LFG/LFP Opcodes
OP_LFGCommand=0x0000 #
OP_LFGGetMatchesRequest=0x3d0c #
OP_LFGGetMatchesResponse=0x4a5c #
OP_LFPGetMatchesRequest=0x0000 #
OP_LFPGetMatchesResponse=0x0000 #
OP_LFPCommand=0x0000 #
OP_LFGAppearance=0x0000 #
OP_LFGResponse=0x0000 #

# Raid Opcodes
OP_RaidInvite=0x2bad #
OP_RaidUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_RaidJoin=0x1fbd #

# Button-push commands
OP_Taunt=0x0000 #
OP_CombatAbility=0x0000 #
OP_SenseTraps=0x0000 #
OP_PickPocket=0x0000 #
OP_DisarmTraps=0x0000 #
OP_Disarm=0x0000 #
OP_Sneak=0x0000 #
OP_Fishing=0x0000 #
OP_InstillDoubt=0x0000 #
OP_FeignDeath=0x0000 #
OP_Mend=0x0000 #
OP_LDoNOpen=0x0000 #

# Task packets
OP_TaskActivityComplete=0x0000 #
OP_TaskMemberList=0x0000 #
OP_OpenNewTasksWindow=0x0000 #
OP_AvaliableTask=0x0000 #
OP_AcceptNewTask=0x0000 #
OP_TaskHistoryRequest=0x0000 #
OP_TaskHistoryReply=0x0000 #
OP_CancelTask=0x0000 #
OP_DeclineAllTasks=0x0000 #

# Title opcodes
OP_NewTitlesAvailable=0x0000 #
OP_RequestTitles=0x0000 #
OP_SendTitleList=0x0000 #
OP_SetTitle=0x0000 #
OP_SetTitleReply=0x0000 #

# mail opcodes
OP_Command=0x0000 #
OP_MailboxHeader=0x0000 #
OP_MailHeader=0x0000 #
OP_MailBody=0x0000 #
OP_NewMail=0x0000 #
OP_SentConfirm=0x0000 #

# # # # # # # # # # # Below this point should not be needed # # # # # # # # # # #

# This section are all unknown in Titanium
OP_ForceFindPerson=0x0000 #
OP_LocInfo=0x0000 #
OP_ReloadUI=0x0000 #
OP_ItemName=0x0000 #
OP_ItemLinkText=0x0000 #
OP_MultiLineMsg=0x0000 #
OP_MendHPUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_TargetReject=0x0000 #
OP_SafePoint=0x0000 #
OP_ApproveZone=0x0000 #
OP_ZoneComplete=0x0000 #
OP_ClientError=0x0000 #
OP_DumpName=0x0000 #
OP_Heartbeat=0x0000 #
OP_CrashDump=0x0000 #
OP_LoginComplete=0x0000 #

# discovered opcodes not yet used:
OP_PickLockSuccess=0x0000 #
OP_PlayMP3=0x0000 #
OP_ReclaimCrystals=0x0000 #
OP_DynamicWall=0x0000 #
OP_OpenDiscordMerchant=0x0000 #
OP_DiscordMerchantInventory=0x0000 #
OP_GiveMoney=0x0000 #
OP_RequestKnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
OP_KnowledgeBase=0x0000 #
OP_SlashAdventure=0x0000 # /adventure
OP_BecomePVPPrompt=0x0000 #
OP_MoveLogRequest=0x0000 # gone I think
OP_MoveLogDisregard=0x0000 # gone I think

# named unknowns, to make looking for real unknown easier
OP_AnnoyingZoneUnknown=0x0000 #
OP_Some6ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # seems to happen when you target group members
OP_QueryResponseThing=0x0000 #

# realityincarnate: these are just here to stop annoying several thousand byte packet dumps
#OP_LoginUnknown1=0x0000 # U OP_SendSpellChecksum
#OP_LoginUnknown2=0x0000 # U OP_SendSkillCapsChecksum

# Petition Opcodes
OP_PetitionSearch=0x0000 # search term for petition
OP_PetitionSearchResults=0x0000 # (list of?) matches from search
OP_PetitionSearchText=0x0000 # text results of search

OP_PetitionUpdate=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckout=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckIn=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionQue=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionUnCheckout=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionDelete=0x0000 #
OP_DeletePetition=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionResolve=0x0000 #
OP_PDeletePetition=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionBug=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionRefresh=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionCheckout2=0x0000 #
OP_PetitionViewPetition=0x0000 #

# Login opcodes
OP_SessionReady=0x0000 #
OP_Login=0x0000 #
OP_ServerListRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PlayEverquestRequest=0x0000 #
OP_PlayEverquestResponse=0x0000 #
OP_ChatMessage=0x0000 #
OP_LoginAccepted=0x0000 #
OP_ServerListResponse=0x0000 #
OP_Poll=0x0000 #
OP_EnterChat=0x0000 #
OP_PollResponse=0x0000 #

# raw opcodes
OP_RAWSessionRequest=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionResponse=0x0000 #
OP_RAWCombined=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionDisconnect=0x0000 #
OP_RAWKeepAlive=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionStatRequest=0x0000 #
OP_RAWSessionStatResponse=0x0000 #
OP_RAWPacket=0x0000 #
OP_RAWFragment=0x0000 #
OP_RAWOutOfOrderAck=0x0000 #
OP_RAWAck=0x0000 #
OP_RAWAppCombined=0x0000 #
OP_RAWOutOfSession=0x0000 #

# we need to document the differences between these packets to make identifying them easier
OP_Some3ByteHPUpdate=0x0000 # initial HP update for mobs
OP_InitialHPUpdate=0x0000 #

09-24-2012, 11:45 AM
edit........ remove

09-24-2012, 01:03 PM
make sure you are copying the *.pcap file into the same directory with the *.conf files
if you can understand what i'm trying say this will teach you how to read opcodes in your pcap file has a ref number convert that to hex now go throw your opcdes see if you can find it.

09-24-2012, 03:30 PM
you can get cavedude precompiled Version here https://code.google.com/p/projecteqdb/downloads/detail?name=eqextractor2-2.31.2110-cavedude.zip&can=2&q=

the newer version might be broke unknown at this time.

10-23-2012, 01:24 PM
Since I didn't get a rational answer that I can understand, can someone explain to me WHAT in the packets I'm looking for. Someone telling me to use a hex editor to go and look at the packet number when I don't know what part of the packet I"m supposed to look at doesn't mean anything, and since others have done this, I figured that someone could explain it.

Is there any document, page, etc... that I can look at that explains this?

I do development for a living, albeit on software written by the evil empire(microsoft), but I can do it if I know what I"m looking for....

10-23-2012, 05:59 PM
did you save your pcap file place in the same directory as patch_August15-2012.conf and EQExtractor2 progarm. that will show you the opcodes coming from the server to clinet. you should understand Dex converts Hex if your a ms programer i read computer language A-F 0-9.

For instance, when I looked up Radiant Crystals earlier, I converted 1464 (number of Radiant Crystals toon has) to hex (5b8) then searched the log for "b8 05" and looked at the data around it and saw
that the value for Ebon Crystals was also nearby so I was in the right place and they are still sending that data over.

10-26-2012, 05:59 PM

Good reading links on finding opcodes
packetcollector http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=602

Download showeq-x.xx.xx.x the files has opcodes inside