View Full Version : Auto Restarts of Server

12-31-2012, 05:31 PM
Don't know if this program is known here but I have this setup on my system and it works great.

FireDaemon Pro can setup any program (including command line starts) as a system service for automatic restarts. I have this setup on my server machine to restart any of the 5 services required for the server to run (so far my login server has crashed once and it restarted it within 1 minute and was back online). Program cost is $50 US but IMHO that is cheap for automatic restarts and no minimized command windows to accidentally close. You can download a 30 day trial of it and see if it is to your liking.

Also you can download their program FireDaemon Fusion which gives you a web based interface for access to running services. I give access to this for a trusted friend to restart the server remotely when updating the database. Best parts about this program is it is FREE and it does not require FireDaemon Pro to run.

Don't know if external links are allowed here but the programs are easy enough to find in a google search.

12-31-2012, 10:08 PM
you could also put this in your EQEmu server directory and run it for free


set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' list of executables
procList = array("EQEmuLoginServer", "World", "EQLaunch", "UCS")

sub RunServer
for each process in procList
if not Running(process) then
runStr = process & ".exe"
if StrComp("EQLaunch", process, 1)=0 then
runStr = runStr & " zone"
end if
'WScript.Echo "running " & runStr
Shell.Run runStr, 0, false
end if
end sub

' is process running?
function Running(procName)
found = false
'WScript.Echo "checking " & procName
for each proc in GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE name='" & procName & ".exe'")
if StrComp(proc.name, procName, 1) then
found = true
exit for
end if
Running = found
end function

do until 0
' 30 second delay
Wscript.Sleep 30000
remove EQEmuLoginServer from the procList if you're not running your own login server and change value of sleep to change how long it takes between checks (in milliseconds).

you'll need to end the process named wscript.exe to stop the script as it won't have a command prompt.

i'd probably add some sort of logging method for restarts, but i got bored with it.

12-31-2012, 11:17 PM
Yeah I run a batch script and use winblows task scheduler to back that script up with another in case it fails.

01-01-2013, 12:15 AM
i just can't help myself...

added functionality that makes certain you don't end up running multiple instances of the same script accidentally (very bad things would have happened).

set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' return process object collection where process name starts with procName
function ProcessObjectList(procName)
queryStr = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE name LIKE '" & procName & "%'"
set ProcessObjectList = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery(queryStr)
end function

' is process running?
function Running(procName)
if ProcessObjectList(procName).Count < 1 then
Running = false
Running = true
end if
end function

' start processes if not already running
sub RunServer
for each procName in array("EQEmuLoginServer", "World", "EQLaunch", "UCS")
if not Running(procName) then
runStr = procName & ".exe"
if StrComp("EQLaunch", procName, 1)=0 then
runStr = runStr & " zone"
end if
Shell.Run runStr, 0, false
end if
end sub

' exit if this script is already running
set processList = ProcessObjectList("wscript")
if processList.Count > 1 then
foundScript = 0
for each process in processList
if StrComp(process.name, "wscript.exe", 1)=0 then
if InStr(process.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) then
foundScript = foundScript+1
end if
end if
if foundScript > 1 then
WScript.Echo WScript.ScriptName & " is already running!"
end if
end if
set processList = Nothing

' loop forever (30000 millisecond delay)
do while true
Wscript.Sleep 30000
loopthis one terminates both the monitoring script and all running emulator executables

set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' return process object collection where process name starts with procName
function ProcessObjectList(procName)
queryStr = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE name LIKE '" & procName & "%'"
set ProcessObjectList = GetObject("Winmgmts:").ExecQuery(queryStr)
end function

' exit if this script is already running
set processList = ProcessObjectList("wscript")
if processList.Count > 1 then
foundScript = 0
for each proc in processList
if StrComp(proc.name, "wscript.exe", 1)=0 then
if InStr(proc.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName) then
foundScript = foundScript+1
end if
end if
if foundScript > 1 then
WScript.Echo WScript.ScriptName & " is already running!"
end if
end if
set processList = Nothing

' terminate all instances of emulator monitoring script server processes
for each procName in array("WScript", "EQEmuLoginServer", "World", "EQLaunch", "UCS", "Zone")
for each process in ProcessObjectList(procName)
terminate = true
if StrComp(process.name, "wscript.exe", 1)=0 then
if InStr(process.CommandLine, "runemu.vbs") < 1 then
terminate = false
end if
end if
if terminate then
end if

01-01-2013, 12:20 AM
Don't know if this program is known here but I have this setup on my system and it works great.

FireDaemon Pro can setup any program (including command line starts) as a system service for automatic restarts. I have this setup on my server machine to restart any of the 5 services required for the server to run (so far my login server has crashed once and it restarted it within 1 minute and was back online). Program cost is $50 US but IMHO that is cheap for automatic restarts and no minimized command windows to accidentally close. You can download a 30 day trial of it and see if it is to your liking.

Also you can download their program FireDaemon Fusion which gives you a web based interface for access to running services. I give access to this for a trusted friend to restart the server remotely when updating the database. Best parts about this program is it is FREE and it does not require FireDaemon Pro to run.

Don't know if external links are allowed here but the programs are easy enough to find in a google search.

Thanks for the informational post, Rogean was actually looking for something like this before he found one.