View Full Version : GM Easter Egg Title Quest

02-11-2013, 02:24 AM
I was a Co-Developer on a server called Harbingers Safehaven. An aspect about the server that players like is throughout our content we had very hidden NPC's scaling in difficulty so player hub was the easiest one to fine, and T2 was the hardest. These NPC's where based upon the names of the GM's and Donators alike.

#Starf the Drowning (Starf the Drowning)

my $Drag = quest::saylink("Drag", 1);
my $NPCName = $npc->GetCleanName();

if ($text =~/hail/i)
$client->Message(315, "$NPCName says to you through telepathy, 'Please save me. I've been stuck under here for some time now. [$Drag] Me out of here please?'");
quest::emote("lets out his last air bubble.");

if ($text =~/drag/i)
$client->Message(315, "$NPCName says to you through telepathy, 'Thank you, it will be good to see my family again.'");

02-11-2013, 03:26 PM
Hold on a sec.... please slow down...

You hail a guy then get a title?

I don't get it, could you break it down to easier to understand sections?

P.S. How would I make a quest where the NPC responds to a hail?

02-11-2013, 03:28 PM
Its not so much the quest itself that im trying to share its the idea behind it