View Full Version : Plugin: Player Leaderboards (In-Game)

12-24-2013, 12:49 AM

To display an in-game leaderboards for players to see where they rank.


I've had this code written for ages so the quality is so-so. But it definitely does what it needs to do. Feel free to modify if want.


Required: Perl DBI - See Google for installing Perl DBI/DBD for Mysql, until I create an article explaining otherwise.
Required: plugin::LoadMysql(); - See thread HERE (http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?p=227039#post227039)
Required: Popup Window plugin utils
Required: Mysql table `cust_ext_leaderboards`



Source Table:

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for cust_ext_leaderboards
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cust_ext_leaderboards`;
CREATE TABLE `cust_ext_leaderboards` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`class` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`race` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`hp` int(11) NOT NULL,
`mana` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ac` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL,
`aa` int(11) NOT NULL,
`level` int(11) NOT NULL,

Usage Example:

quest::say("What do you want?");
quest::say(quest::saylink("I want to check my player leaderboards man!", 1));
# Plugin will match for 'player leaderboards' and display menu options, it will also respond to further saylinks

Note: In order to actually have the players info collected, you have to insert the collection routine somewhere. I usually trigger it in EVENT_ENTERZONE of global_player.pl but you can do it however you want:


Plugin File: (Goes under /plugins folder)
Name: Leaderboards.pl

Options: You can set your website Magelo Path under LoadMageloPath, or you can put in javascript:; or # if you don't have a site.

Enjoy, let me know if you experience issues.

12-24-2013, 07:14 AM
Note: In order to actually have the players info collected, you have to insert the collection routine somewhere. I usually trigger it in EVENT_ENTERZONE of global_player.pl

Nice Akkadius!


I prefer to run the collection routine in this sub:


That way code runs only 1 time when player logs in, instead of every time they zone.

That way it won't spam update the database each time a player dies or zones.

02-24-2015, 08:24 PM
Is this still working? I installed everything, and queries are working. When I say 'player leaderboards' I get the text "Player Leaderboards" and a list of classes in saylink format. If I click any of the saylinks, nothing happens. If I manually type the trigger, nothing happens as well.

Im not sure if Im missing a plugin. I downloaded the popup_window_utils, DBI is working, and the database table is working and being populated.

02-25-2015, 01:26 AM
Is this still working? I installed everything, and queries are working. When I say 'player leaderboards' I get the text "Player Leaderboards" and a list of classes in saylink format. If I click any of the saylinks, nothing happens. If I manually type the trigger, nothing happens as well.

Im not sure if Im missing a plugin. I downloaded the popup_window_utils, DBI is working, and the database table is working and being populated.

Set quest logging and see if there are any errors? It could be that you are missing a plugin like you said.

I would download a fresh batch of plugins from the stickied SVN in the thread:


03-09-2015, 08:24 PM
I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

03-09-2015, 08:37 PM
I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

Do you have quest logging on? Anything in the logs?

03-09-2015, 08:43 PM
yes I have logging set to 3, I can see the queries happening, but no errors

03-09-2015, 08:45 PM
I have tried this plugin, and I am running into the same issue that Nibiuno stated above. Verified DBI is working, the cust_ext_leaderboards is being populated correctly. The popup_windows_utils and leaderboards.pl are in the plugin folder. I get the saylinks for classes, but once I click one of them, nothing happens.

I'm sorry, but this reminds me of this:



I have to help someone quick but I will check into this plugin. Thanks for reporting.

03-09-2015, 08:47 PM
LMAO Akka, thanks

03-10-2015, 07:03 PM
Looking at this now

03-10-2015, 08:21 PM
OK, spent about an hour cleaning this up.

Replace Leaderboards.pl in your plugins folder with this code:



Source Table:

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for cust_ext_leaderboards
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cust_ext_leaderboards`;
CREATE TABLE `cust_ext_leaderboards` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`class` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`race` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`hp` int(11) NOT NULL,
`mana` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ac` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL,
`aa` int(11) NOT NULL,
`level` int(11) NOT NULL,

03-10-2015, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the update. Copied the new code to Leaderboards.pl in my plugins folder and resourced my DB. Do not get the popup window, but that maybe because the cust_ext_leaderboards table has not been populated yet. I have the following in my global_player.pl file.


03-10-2015, 08:45 PM
Thanks for the update. Copied the new code to Leaderboards.pl in my plugins folder and resourced my DB. Do not get the popup window, but that maybe because the cust_ext_leaderboards table has not been populated yet. I have the following in my global_player.pl file.


Make sure you have the DiaWind plugin.

It has become apparent to me we need a decent way to update plugins because people are apparently downloading the wrong ones...

03-10-2015, 08:50 PM
Yup. I have it. I downloaded all the plugins from the repository. Check them daily to see if there are any new changes.

Here is the Diawind.pl plugin.

#::: Author: Akkadius
#::: This plugin can work as an extensive drop in replacement for quest::say
#::: This plugin also offers extensive options for easily formatting windows.
#::: Usage: plugin::DiaWind("Window text");
#::: For explanation of use, see: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin&frm=Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference

sub DiaWind {
my $Text = $_[0]; my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $client = plugin::val('$client'); $name = plugin::val('$name');
my $Opt = 0;
if(!$PopId){ $PopId = 999; }
$Text=~ s/~/<\/c>/g;
$Text=~ s/\{y\}/<c \"#CCFF33\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{lb\}/<c \"#00FFFF\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{r}/<c \"#FF0000\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{g}/<c \"#00FF00\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{gold}/<c \"#FFFF66\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{orange}/<c \"#FFA500\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{gray}/<c \"#808080\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{tan}/<c \"#daa520\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{bullet}/•/g;
$Text=~ s/\$name/$name/g;
$Text=~ s/\{linebreak}/--------------------------------------------------------------------/g;
$Text=~ s/\{rowpad}/<tr><td>{tdpad}<\/td><td>{tdpad}<\/td><\/tr>/g;
$Text=~ s/\{tdpad}/----------------------/g;
$Text=~ s/\{in}/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/g;
my ($mvoice) = $Text =~ s/mysterious//g;
my ($achievement) = $Text =~ s/achievement//g;
my ($noquotes) = $Text =~ s/noquotes//g; if($noquotes){ $quo = ""; } else{ $quo = "'"; }
my ($nobracket) = $Text =~ s/nobracket//g;
my ($nosound) = $Text =~ s/nosound//g;
my ($cname) = $Text =~ /{(.*)\>/; $Text =~ s/{$cname\>//g;
($bracket) = $Text =~ /\[([^\]]+)\].*/;
($bracket2) = $Text =~ /\[(.*)\>/;

my ($anim) = $Text =~ /\+(.*)\+/; $Text=~ s/\+$anim\+//g;
my ($Timer) = $Text =~ /\=(.*)\=/; $Text=~ s/\=$Timer\=//g;
my $response = ""; my $ClickQueue = ""; my $Options = "";
my @popupid = $Text =~ /popupid\:(\d+)/g;
if($popupid[0]){ $PopId = $popupid[0]; my $string = "popupid:" . $popupid[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
my @wintype = $Text =~ /wintype\:(\d+)/g;
if($wintype[0]){ if($wintype[0] == 1){ $Opt = 1; }; my $string = "wintype:" . $wintype[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
if($bracket){ $response = $bracket; }
if($bracket2){ $response = $bracket2; }
@data = ($Text =~ m/\[([^\]]+)\]/g);
foreach $val (@data){ $Options .= "" . quest::saylink($val, 1) . " - ";}
if($data[1]){ $client->Message(15, " --- Select Response from Options --- "); $client->Message(0, "[" . substr ($Options, 0, -3) . "]"); }
if($anim){ if($anim > 0){ quest::doanim($anim); } else{ plugin::DoAnim($anim);} }
my $string = quotemeta("[" . $bracket2 . ">"); $Text=~ s/$string//g;
if($Timer > 0){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">This message will disappear in " . $Timer . " second(s)...</c>"; }
elsif($response ne ""){ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", $response);
if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>"; }
else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to respond with '" . $response . "'...</c>"; }
}else{ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", "");
if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>";}
else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to continue...</c>"; }
if($achievement){} elsif($cname){ $Speaking = $cname . " says"; } elsif($mvoice){ $Speaking = "A Mysterious Voice says"; } else{ if($npc){ $Speaking = $npc->GetCleanName() . ' says'; } }
if($achievement){ $Title = "New Achievment!"; } else{ $Title = "Dialogue: " . $Speaking; }
if($achievement){ $Timer = 5; quest::popup($Title, $Text . "" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
else{ quest::popup($Title, "<c \"#CCFF33\">" . $Speaking . "</c><br><br>" . $quo . "" . $Text . "" . $quo . "" . "<br><br>" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
$PopId = undef; $achievement = undef;

#::: Used for include of EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE
#::: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin#to-activate-this-plugin
sub DiaWind_Process_Response{
my $popupid = plugin::val('$popupid');
my $client = plugin::val('$client');
if($popupid == 999){
my $nresponse = $client->GetEntityVariable("npcresponse");
if($Debug){ $client->Message(15, "Debug Silent Message: '" . $nresponse . "'"); }
if($nresponse ne ""){ $client->SilentMessage($nresponse); } return;

03-10-2015, 08:52 PM
Yup. I have it. I downloaded all the plugins from the repository. Check them daily to see if there are any new changes.

Here is the Diawind.pl plugin.

#::: Author: Akkadius
#::: This plugin can work as an extensive drop in replacement for quest::say
#::: This plugin also offers extensive options for easily formatting windows.
#::: Usage: plugin::DiaWind("Window text");
#::: For explanation of use, see: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin&frm=Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference

sub DiaWind {
my $Text = $_[0]; my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $client = plugin::val('$client'); $name = plugin::val('$name');
my $Opt = 0;
if(!$PopId){ $PopId = 999; }
$Text=~ s/~/<\/c>/g;
$Text=~ s/\{y\}/<c \"#CCFF33\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{lb\}/<c \"#00FFFF\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{r}/<c \"#FF0000\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{g}/<c \"#00FF00\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{gold}/<c \"#FFFF66\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{orange}/<c \"#FFA500\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{gray}/<c \"#808080\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{tan}/<c \"#daa520\">/g;
$Text=~ s/\{bullet}/•/g;
$Text=~ s/\$name/$name/g;
$Text=~ s/\{linebreak}/--------------------------------------------------------------------/g;
$Text=~ s/\{rowpad}/<tr><td>{tdpad}<\/td><td>{tdpad}<\/td><\/tr>/g;
$Text=~ s/\{tdpad}/----------------------/g;
$Text=~ s/\{in}/&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/g;
my ($mvoice) = $Text =~ s/mysterious//g;
my ($achievement) = $Text =~ s/achievement//g;
my ($noquotes) = $Text =~ s/noquotes//g; if($noquotes){ $quo = ""; } else{ $quo = "'"; }
my ($nobracket) = $Text =~ s/nobracket//g;
my ($nosound) = $Text =~ s/nosound//g;
my ($cname) = $Text =~ /{(.*)\>/; $Text =~ s/{$cname\>//g;
($bracket) = $Text =~ /\[([^\]]+)\].*/;
($bracket2) = $Text =~ /\[(.*)\>/;

my ($anim) = $Text =~ /\+(.*)\+/; $Text=~ s/\+$anim\+//g;
my ($Timer) = $Text =~ /\=(.*)\=/; $Text=~ s/\=$Timer\=//g;
my $response = ""; my $ClickQueue = ""; my $Options = "";
my @popupid = $Text =~ /popupid\:(\d+)/g;
if($popupid[0]){ $PopId = $popupid[0]; my $string = "popupid:" . $popupid[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
my @wintype = $Text =~ /wintype\:(\d+)/g;
if($wintype[0]){ if($wintype[0] == 1){ $Opt = 1; }; my $string = "wintype:" . $wintype[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; }
if($bracket){ $response = $bracket; }
if($bracket2){ $response = $bracket2; }
@data = ($Text =~ m/\[([^\]]+)\]/g);
foreach $val (@data){ $Options .= "" . quest::saylink($val, 1) . " - ";}
if($data[1]){ $client->Message(15, " --- Select Response from Options --- "); $client->Message(0, "[" . substr ($Options, 0, -3) . "]"); }
if($anim){ if($anim > 0){ quest::doanim($anim); } else{ plugin::DoAnim($anim);} }
my $string = quotemeta("[" . $bracket2 . ">"); $Text=~ s/$string//g;
if($Timer > 0){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">This message will disappear in " . $Timer . " second(s)...</c>"; }
elsif($response ne ""){ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", $response);
if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>"; }
else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to respond with '" . $response . "'...</c>"; }
}else{ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", "");
if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'Yes' to continue'...</c>";}
else{ $ClickQueue = "<c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to continue...</c>"; }
if($achievement){} elsif($cname){ $Speaking = $cname . " says"; } elsif($mvoice){ $Speaking = "A Mysterious Voice says"; } else{ if($npc){ $Speaking = $npc->GetCleanName() . ' says'; } }
if($achievement){ $Title = "New Achievment!"; } else{ $Title = "Dialogue: " . $Speaking; }
if($achievement){ $Timer = 5; quest::popup($Title, $Text . "" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
else{ quest::popup($Title, "<c \"#CCFF33\">" . $Speaking . "</c><br><br>" . $quo . "" . $Text . "" . $quo . "" . "<br><br>" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); }
$PopId = undef; $achievement = undef;

#::: Used for include of EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE
#::: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin#to-activate-this-plugin
sub DiaWind_Process_Response{
my $popupid = plugin::val('$popupid');
my $client = plugin::val('$client');
if($popupid == 999){
my $nresponse = $client->GetEntityVariable("npcresponse");
if($Debug){ $client->Message(15, "Debug Silent Message: '" . $nresponse . "'"); }
if($nresponse ne ""){ $client->SilentMessage($nresponse); } return;

Do you know if you have DBI installed?

03-10-2015, 08:55 PM
http://i.imgur.com/nAeiXH6.jpgyes its installed. SS below.

03-10-2015, 08:57 PM
http://i.imgur.com/nAeiXH6.jpgyes its installed. SS below.

#logs quest gmsay 20 1
#logs quest gmsay 38 1

What do you see when you try to show a window.

03-10-2015, 09:20 PM
Nothing displayed when setting logging to 1 or 3. No errors. Tested on other quest NPCs also. Very strange. Verified the log settings are in the logsys_categories table.

Turned on MYSQL Queries and Errors. This is all that was returned when clicking on Top HPs.


03-10-2015, 09:21 PM
Also, no one is on the server but myself atm. Its not open to public yet. The DB is not populating my stats. It was before.

03-10-2015, 09:23 PM
Nothing displayed when setting logging to 1 or 3. No errors. Tested on other quest NPCs also. Very strange. Verified the log settings are in the logsys_categories table.

Turned on MYSQL Queries and Errors. This is all that was returned when clicking on Top HPs.


Are you missing plugin::commify ?


03-10-2015, 09:25 PM
Nope. I have text_formatting.pl in my plugins folder.

###Usage plugin::commify(12302302); Would output value 12,302,302
sub commify {
local $_ = shift;
{my $n = $1;
return $_;

return 1;

03-10-2015, 09:27 PM
Nope. I have text_formatting.pl in my plugins folder.

###Usage plugin::commify(12302302); Would output value 12,302,302
sub commify {
local $_ = shift;
{my $n = $1;
return $_;

return 1;

I think you're just trolling me

03-10-2015, 09:30 PM
no way man. I have been working on my server for about 2 months. I come from a very technical background, but not in programming. Learned a lot from this community. I can give you access to my server if you want to look.

03-10-2015, 09:32 PM
no way man. I have been working on my server for about 2 months. I come from a very technical background, but not in programming. Learned a lot from this community. I can give you access to my server if you want to look.

Load up Teamviewer, send me your session and tell me what your server name is.

03-10-2015, 09:39 PM
PMing you now

03-10-2015, 10:09 PM
Thanks Akka for the help. I will make changes later tonight and update this thread

03-11-2015, 12:35 PM
Ok Akka, Cleaned up the system of incorrect version of perl and updated DBI and DBD:mysql. Only issue that I am having now is the popup windows does not populate the information from the DB. Below are SS's.




cust_ext_leaderboards view


Thanks again for the assistance last night.

03-11-2015, 02:40 PM
Ok Akka, Cleaned up the system of incorrect version of perl and updated DBI and DBD:mysql. Only issue that I am having now is the popup windows does not populate the information from the DB. Below are SS's.




cust_ext_leaderboards view


Thanks again for the assistance last night.

It won't show you as a GM in the leaderboards table. Any status 0 player would show up fine

03-11-2015, 02:47 PM
ahh ok, cool! Thanks

09-15-2015, 01:44 PM
I made the following modification to the Leaderboards.pl script to report unbuffed hitpoints. Just in case anybody hadn't figure it out yet. :)

my $hp1 = $client->GetMaxHP();
my $hp2 = $client->GetSpellHPBonuses();
my $hp = ($hp1 - $hp2);

09-15-2015, 04:49 PM
I made the following modification to the Leaderboards.pl script to report unbuffed hitpoints. Just in case anybody hadn't figure it out yet. :)

my $hp1 = $client->GetMaxHP();
my $hp2 = $client->GetSpellHPBonuses();
my $hp = ($hp1 - $hp2);

Just made uber people less uber looking on the leaderboard, haha.

09-16-2015, 05:06 AM
Hah, yep. Now I gotta figure how to do the same for mana.

06-09-2016, 10:28 PM
Nice Akkadius!


I prefer to run the collection routine in this sub:


That way code runs only 1 time when player logs in, instead of every time they zone.

That way it won't spam update the database each time a player dies or zones.

How do I get this work in global_player.lua

If I do #showstats on a myself or player as GM a stat box pops up with cancel or update with all the stats, but the quest npc is not popping up the box after clicking the links, just saying Fine!

06-10-2016, 04:43 PM
This is only for Perl, you'd have to write something separate for lua

04-14-2019, 09:36 AM
I know this is an old post, but I have gotten everything to work except the Top HP and AC portion. basically anything linked to the commify plugin yet im fairly certain i have the latest one.

Also, apprently SK's and Warriors no longer show up now lol