View Full Version : EQEmu Admin Tool 3.0

11-09-2002, 10:59 AM
I just uploaded it. SourceForge should have it available on the download page within the hour. Here's what's new:

1. Compatible with EQEmu 0.3.11.

2. Fixed the bug where setting an item's trigger type wouldn't stick.

3. Spawn tab: fixed several bugs where spawn positions (the red dots) weren't being drawn properly. Duplicate spawns at slightly different positions were being drawn at the same place, when they shouldn't. This is now fixed.

4. Spawn tab: increased the maximum zoom level from 16 to 64. This and the above change should make it a LOT easier to find and remove duplicate spawns.

5. Spawn tab (spawns sub tab): fixed the delete record button.

6. Spawn tab (spawns sub tab): added a list box that shows all possible spawns for a given spawn group when a spawn is clicked upon.

7. Spawn tab (spawns sub tab): selecting a spawn will now cause the npc types, spawn entries, and spawn groups tabs to move to the appropriate record.

8. Spawn tab: fixed right-clicking on the map so that the spawn will be properly added to the correct zone.

9. Spawn tab (spawns sub tab): the spawn list will be automatically sorted by spawn id, so that new spawns will automatically appear at the bottom of the list.

The greatest benefit should go to the people building spawn databases. Hopefully the duplicate spawns will start to go away now :)


11-09-2002, 11:32 AM
Very cool... Playing around with it now... Any chance on a sort by ascending/descending toggle when you click on a column title in a future version? Since I know nothing about Delphi (other than its like Visual Pascal), don't know how hard this would be to implement.

Awesome WC, thanks for the update !

11-11-2002, 09:16 AM
One other minor request.. Can you up the size of the NPC dots on the map overlays when you zoom? I run at 1600X1200, and those things are hard as hell to see...

Also. how about the ability to change a mobs x,y location by selecting him on the map and dragging him to a new location?


11-13-2002, 05:22 PM
:( when switching characters, its still slow. :(

11-14-2002, 01:37 AM
I don't think there's a way around that. It has to load new item drop-downs for the inventory items. There are a LOT of items in the DB to go through. The item drop-downs are custom-tailored for race, class, and inventory slot, so that only usable items are shown for given slots. It takes quite a while.

11-14-2002, 01:59 AM
One of the things I love this tool for is cleaning up spawns..
It's been really useful.

A problem Im running into is that when you click on 'delete record' , it's taking 5-10 seconds. Im guessing its executing the delete right there on the fly, is there anyway to change it so that it queues up the deletes, then executes them as a batch rather than a single at a time? I'm guessing part of the slowness comes from deleting the row, rereading the table, and updating the map. Part of my slowness might come from the fact that Im running eqadmin on my windows box, and my database server off linux.

What I might end up doing if it works out to be faster is just completely replicate my database over to the windows mysql server, update there with eqadmin, then reload it.

11-14-2002, 04:39 AM
The actual deletion is pretty instant. The time comes from reloading the spawn information so it can redraw the map. It has to find all spawns for that zone only, then go through them one at a time to calculate the screen coordinates for the little red dots. That in and of itself wouldn't take too much time, if not for the fact that the drop-downs are hooked into the query result set as well, and therefore are changing their lookuip tables' current records on the fly (not the data, just the record to which they point, but it still takes some time).

Because the process is so time-consuming, the map X,Y coords are NOT recalculated when a spawn is moved. For instance, if you change a record's X coordinate, the red dot's screen coordinates won't change on the map, even if you zoom in or out. Only deleting a record or changing the zone updates it.

One possibility might be to disable the drop-downs during the reloading process, and then re-enable them once that has finished. I don't know if that will work, but I'll try to remember to look into it.

The next version will have an additional checkbox that lets you display the locations of all the door spawns on the map. They are shown as blue dots, and hovering the mouse over one shows it's "name" in the blue label. At the present time you can't select one, but I'm working on that...