View Full Version : Database questions!!

02-13-2002, 08:15 AM
I have not had the opportunity to install the new emulator but when I looked at the new database using Crimson Editor it looked as though it had a few errors. Could someone explain a little about the database. I am new but I would like to learn some of this stuff as quick as possible. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Does anyone know a better editor than Crimson Editor??
Are the Drawde's database designed to cut and paste directly into the latest db.sql file. When I open both files and compare data they do not look the same. I have experimented a little and some of the spawn data works but I also noticed when I sourced over the new data in mysql I had a lot of beeps I am assuming are bad data lines. I hope I don't sound like a moron but I am learning all this syql stuff pretty fast.

Thanks for all the help guys!!!!!

02-13-2002, 08:42 AM
I have been using Editpad Lite for all my editing. Works very well too. No errors when pushing it into the db. To download it just goto www.download.com and do a search for editpad. There is the pro version but if you go to the company's webiste you will find the lite version

02-13-2002, 02:43 PM
or you can use eqadmin