View Full Version : Merchant Maker.

05-25-2015, 08:04 PM
This script will create merchants for you, all you have to do is change $id and @idarray, I wrote this a while ago but never released it. It writes to a .sql file that you can easily copy and paste from or import using HeidiSQL or Navicat. sub Create {
print "Starting!\n";
my $id = CHANGEME;
my @idarray = (CHANGEME);
open my $file, ">Merchant $id.sql";
my $message = "INSERT INTO `merchantlist` VALUES\n";
my $slot = 0;
foreach my $item (@idarray) {
$message .= "('$id', '" . ++$slot . "', '$item', '-1100', '0', '0', '65535', '100')" . (($item != $idarray[$#idarray]) ? ",\n" : ";");
print "Done!\n";
say $file $message;
close $file;

08-29-2015, 05:51 PM
I have since updated this script: sub Create {
my $merchant_id = shift;
my $data = shift;
my @items = split(/ /, $data);
chomp $items[$#items];
print "Starting!\n";
open my $file, ">Merchant $merchant_id.sql";
my $message;
my $n = 1;
foreach my $item (@items) {
print "Adding item $item.\n";
$message .= "INSERT INTO `merchantlist` VALUES ('$merchant_id', '" . $n++ . "', '$item', '-1100', '', '0', '65535', '100');\n";
say $file $message;
print "Done!\n";
close $file;
print "What is the merchant id?\n";
my $merchant_id = int(<STDIN>);
print "List the items you would like on the merchant.\n";
my $data = <STDIN>;
Create($merchant_id, $data);
Here is an example of use:

08-31-2015, 05:28 PM
Found an issue:
$message .= "INSERT INTO `merchantlist` VALUES ('$merchant_id', '" . $n++ . "', '$item', '-1100', '', '0', '65535', '100');\n";

Should be:
$message .= "INSERT INTO `merchantlist` VALUES ('$merchant_id', '" . $n++ . "', '$item', '-1100', '0', '0', '65535', '100');\n";