View Full Version : New Operating System called Palladium

12-14-2002, 08:24 PM
Dont know how many have seen this but, take a look. It is scarey what Microsoft can do.


12-15-2002, 05:37 AM
:shock: :shock:
I read just bits and pieces of that...but it sounds very scary.

12-16-2002, 01:19 AM
Ouch - that's incredibly scary..
The whole thing seems to be summed up by these sentences -
"TCPA and Palladium do not so much provide security for the user as for the PC vendor, the software supplier, and the content industry. They do not add value for the user, but destroy it. They constrain what you can do with your PC in order to enable application and service vendors to extract more money from you. This is the classic definition of an exploitative cartel - an industry agreement that changes the terms of trade so as to diminish consumer surplus."

"One well-known UK lawyer said that copyright law is only tolerated because it is not enforced against the vast majority of petty infringers. And there will be some particularly high-profile hard-luck cases. I understand that copyright regulations due out later this year in Britain will deprive the blind of the fair-use right to use their screen scraper software to read e-books. Normally, a bureaucratic stupidity like this might not matter much, as people would just ignore it, and the police would not be idiotic enough to prosecute anybody. But if the copyright regulations are enforced by hardware protection mechanisms that are impractical to break, then the blind may lose out seriously. (There are many other marginal groups under similar threat.)"

12-16-2002, 01:52 AM
You dont HAVE to upgrade to a new windows product for a long time.. It will be awhile before everyone stops stopping the older driver formats/OS's, so I'll just take the consumers choice and not upgrade.

Stay on Win2k/98 , and wait for linux to get just a tad bit better.. I have almost been able to migrate completely over to Linux (Winex is making it easier and easier).

I doubt it will end up being nearly as resistive as they are predicting. Remember Intel's CPU stamp initiative and XP's hardware checksums...

12-16-2002, 02:36 AM
<--- Is sticking with AMD and Win2k :P

12-16-2002, 02:39 AM
I love AMD, but I am going Intel with the next server...

If I blow my nose my CPU stops posting...

Baron Sprite
12-16-2002, 08:18 PM
:shock: Read about that long time ago, still lovely. Guess it's win xp pro 4 life 8)

12-20-2002, 04:33 AM
I didn't blow $1600 on an extra Linux computer for nothing...my exit strategy is in motion :)


12-21-2002, 02:08 PM
heh... im stayen with Tis OS but i might change it from the 3triple boot it alredy is to a quod boot 2000/XP/Manderak/open for new OS